Have you tried planning a very intimate evening with your wife but felt very disappointed, frustrated, and ashamed because you remained limp? Or simply put, you did not get an erection? This happens among 52 percent of men in their 40's to 70's.
And as the age increases, the percentage also increases.
Before you panic and spend all your hard-earned cash in medications or alternative treatments that are said to increase sexual desire or urge, why don't you determine first the causes of erectile dysfunction in your case? There are many factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, scientists say.
And fortunately, most of them have corresponding cure or preventive measures.
The causes of erectile dysfunctions are categorized into two-psychological and physical factors.
Ten percent of male erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors.
If you are to nervous while making love or too worried that your partner will not be sexually satisfied, then the causes of erectile dysfunction in your case is mostly psychological.
Being too anxious and nervous can result in lesser blood flow to the penis, which, in turn, prevents penis to become hard and stiff.
To make matters worse, these psychologically problems are usually interconnected and tend to increase the problem of erectile dysfunction.
They can also have negative effects on your body.
More often than not, we cannot distinguish if the real causes of erectile dysfunction in a person are psychological or physical factors because they are usually linked with each other.
This makes it very hard to cure erectile dysfunction.
That is why if you think you have this problem, talk it out with your partner and ask for an expert's help before you decide to do anything.
However, there are some instances when it is easy to distinguish the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Just answer these questions.
Can you have or sustain an erection with one partner but you cannot do so with your other partner? Or is it easier for you to get an erection while masturbating than while having intercourse with your partner? If your answers to these two questions are both 'yes', it is more likely that the cause of your erectile problem is mental.
How you can cure this? Talk it out with your partner.
Usually, if a couple is having relationship issues, it can also affect lovemaking.
Is your relationship on the rocks or do you feel pressured when making love to her? So resolve any problems first in your relationship and then see what the effects will be on your sex life.
Other forms of psychological causes of erectile dysfunction are stress, tension, depression, anxiety, sexual boredom and low sex drive.
In these factors, what you can do is consult an expert whom you can talk to regarding this and also sit down and talk with your partner so that she can give you the support that you need.
The other causes of erectile dysfunction are the physical factors.
These account for 90 percent of erectile dysfunctions.
Examples of these are factors are diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiac diseases, smoking and poor circulation.
Usually, medications taken in by men who have the aforementioned diseases can have severe effects on erectile dysfunction.
However, you should keep your priorities straight.
Would you rather have a great sex life or die from heart attack? If you plan to take any medications for erectile problems, consult your physician first.
You should also think of changing your lifestyle.
Instead of buying all the erectile drugs you can get, why not spend your time and effort in doing some exercises, planning a healthy meal, or seriously quitting smoking.
Everything is up to you.
And as the age increases, the percentage also increases.
Before you panic and spend all your hard-earned cash in medications or alternative treatments that are said to increase sexual desire or urge, why don't you determine first the causes of erectile dysfunction in your case? There are many factors that can cause erectile dysfunction, scientists say.
And fortunately, most of them have corresponding cure or preventive measures.
The causes of erectile dysfunctions are categorized into two-psychological and physical factors.
Ten percent of male erectile dysfunction is caused by psychological factors.
If you are to nervous while making love or too worried that your partner will not be sexually satisfied, then the causes of erectile dysfunction in your case is mostly psychological.
Being too anxious and nervous can result in lesser blood flow to the penis, which, in turn, prevents penis to become hard and stiff.
To make matters worse, these psychologically problems are usually interconnected and tend to increase the problem of erectile dysfunction.
They can also have negative effects on your body.
More often than not, we cannot distinguish if the real causes of erectile dysfunction in a person are psychological or physical factors because they are usually linked with each other.
This makes it very hard to cure erectile dysfunction.
That is why if you think you have this problem, talk it out with your partner and ask for an expert's help before you decide to do anything.
However, there are some instances when it is easy to distinguish the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Just answer these questions.
Can you have or sustain an erection with one partner but you cannot do so with your other partner? Or is it easier for you to get an erection while masturbating than while having intercourse with your partner? If your answers to these two questions are both 'yes', it is more likely that the cause of your erectile problem is mental.
How you can cure this? Talk it out with your partner.
Usually, if a couple is having relationship issues, it can also affect lovemaking.
Is your relationship on the rocks or do you feel pressured when making love to her? So resolve any problems first in your relationship and then see what the effects will be on your sex life.
Other forms of psychological causes of erectile dysfunction are stress, tension, depression, anxiety, sexual boredom and low sex drive.
In these factors, what you can do is consult an expert whom you can talk to regarding this and also sit down and talk with your partner so that she can give you the support that you need.
The other causes of erectile dysfunction are the physical factors.
These account for 90 percent of erectile dysfunctions.
Examples of these are factors are diabetes, hypertension, high blood cholesterol, cardiac diseases, smoking and poor circulation.
Usually, medications taken in by men who have the aforementioned diseases can have severe effects on erectile dysfunction.
However, you should keep your priorities straight.
Would you rather have a great sex life or die from heart attack? If you plan to take any medications for erectile problems, consult your physician first.
You should also think of changing your lifestyle.
Instead of buying all the erectile drugs you can get, why not spend your time and effort in doing some exercises, planning a healthy meal, or seriously quitting smoking.
Everything is up to you.