Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Signs and Symptoms of Swine Flu H1N1 Virus in Humans

Swine flu has brought a lot of fear all over the world.
This word has now become one of the most terrible words.
The correct knowledge can help you protect against it.
Prevention is always better than cure.
It is a type of influenza caused by H1N1 virus.
H1N1 virus is just another type of flu virus like other typical seasonal flu symptoms.
The only difference is that the H1N1 virus has components of pig and bird influenza viruses in it, so that humans don't have any immunity to it.
This has made it a pandemic virus that has the ability to cause a global outbreak because it could easily spread from person-to-person.
Swine Flu H1N1 Symptoms It is very important to recognize the signs and symptoms of swine flu in the early stage.
Generally the symptoms of H1N1 are similar to those of the common winter influenza.
The symptoms of this flu begin 1-4 days after being exposed to a contagious person.
Sudden chills and fever are generally the first symptoms.
Temperatures usually remain between 100F and 104F for many days.
Other signs and symptoms can include oShortness of breath (dyspnea) oDry cough, runny nose or stuffy nose, scratchy throat and head congestion oChills oBody aches (myalgia) oHeadache oFatigue or tiredness oSometimes diarrhea and vomiting Emergency Warning Symptoms in Children Signs of a more serious swine flu infection might include pneumonia and respiratory failure.
oTrouble breathing or fast breathing oGray or bluish skin color oSevere or persistent vomiting oFever with a rash oNot waking up or not interacting oNot drinking enough fluids or liquid oIrritability oSymptoms of flu improve but then return with worse cough and fever Emergency Warning Symptoms in Adults oDifficulty in breathing or shortness of breath oPain or pressure in the abdomen or chest oSevere or persistent vomiting oConfusion oSudden dizziness More serious symptoms indicate that the person with swine flu would need immediate medical attention.
To learn more about swine flu, how is it transmitted and prevention, you need to know the complete information on H1N1.
Be sure to grab the book on swine flu to keep yourself and your family away from this pandemic disease.
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