Business & Finance Business News

Taboo! The Truth About Black Crime Part One

With news that 4 youths have been arrested in the brutal murder of a student at Fenger High in Chicago which follows by a week an attack on student aboard a school bus in Missouri, the issue of crime in America has once again been moved to the top of the page.

The horrendous Chicago act involved a Black boy, Derrion Albert, an innocent bystander to a wild ruckus, who was set upon by fellow Blacks for no apparent reason and beaten, kicked, and pummeled to death.

Derrion happened to be in a very wrong place at an extremely wrong time and died because of it.

That story and video, not intended for the faint of heart, can be seen here: [].

The earlier St. Louis incident involved a White boy in search of a seat on the bus who was furiously beaten by a Black boy for that impertinence. Fortunately, with no thanks to the school bus driver, the unidentified White boy wasn't murdered and his assailants were later arrested.

That incident was first cited as a hate crime but after police authorities reviewed the tape, and consulted with their superiors, that charge was dropped in favor of simple assault and a charge of bullying.

I really doubt that assault would be described as mere bullying by the assaulted, especially during his vicious pummeling, but on reconsideration of his survival probabilities had he pushed for hate crime charges, he didn't push.

That story and video can be viewed here:

The chief parallels between those 2 stories are senseless violence and that subject which has been relegated to non-PC status, Black crime in America.

Not too many years ago, the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports Program, UCR, broke down crime stats according to race. That ended even before the logical, reasonable practice of racial profiling was technically banned because pressure groups protested against the stats and profiling.

And a law enforcement deterrent logic was flushed.

Bill Cosby is one Black who has spoken out against the rampant violence in Black communities thoughout America.

Cosby, an idol to many Blacks, saw his remonstrances met with rejection and disdain by those same communities and Black leaders such as Jesse Jackson who thrive on racial discord and racial violence which they employ at every opportunity to trash Whites.

The facts are, despite an overall decrease in most crimes in America, instances of Black crime-against their own, and against White people-hasn't decreased very significantly.

That may be due to the inauguration of America's first Black president in January which raised the expectations and hopes of all minorities that Obama's pledges of an undefined "change" necessarily meant immediate, major changes in their lives.

Lost in that change translation was the reality that even Obama can't work miracles and that acting out violently is counterproductive.

It's one thing if Blacks choose to maim and murder other Blacks. When they choose to visit mayhem on others, they should take into account that they are a minority.

That fact seems not to have reached the Black consciousness due to the recently gained inordinate power of their representation in both the federal and local spheres.

The USA is a democratic republic and that rise to power is perfectly fine and constitutionally protected.

However, if anyone, be they Black or White, believes that political ascendancy confers rights to violate, physically or otherwise, the rights of others, then they have another think coming.

NEXT: Black crimes against Whites, and vice-versa.
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