- Food stamps applicants who are handicapped in Florida are given greater leniency for income than other applicants, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Instead of having to submit to the gross income test -- the limits for which start at $1,174 a month for a person living alone -- they only have to pass the net income test. "Net" refers to the money you have left over after deductions. A standard 20 percent deduction from earned income plus medical expenses, child support and adult care expenses are examples of allowed deductions. A disabled person living on his own should make no more than $903 a month.
- Disabled applicants are also allowed a greater resource limit than those who aren't handicapped. As of 2011, anyone who applies for food stamps in Florida can have up to $2,000 in assets, which includes investments, bonds, stocks and cash, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. However, those who are 60 or older or who are handicapped can have up to $3,000. Most retirement plans, including Roth IRAs and 401(k)s, aren't counted as an asset, and any vehicle used to transport a disabled person isn't included.
- Most people can begin their applications for food stamps online with ACCESS Florida (myflorida.com) and then go to their local Florida Department of Children and Families for a face-to-face interview. However, disabled people who are unable to make it to the interview can appoint a representative to apply for benefits for them, and a food stamp caseworker can schedule a home visit to complete the interview, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
- You may qualify for more than just food stamps, according to the Social Security Administration. Disabled people who meet the criteria for the food stamp program may also meet the requirements for Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, in Florida, which provides monthly payments of up to $674 for one person or $1,011 for a qualifying couple. Those who qualify for SSI automatically qualify for Medicaid as well, which is the government-sponsored health insurance program. It's worth noting that people who receive SSI don't need to pass the resource test for food stamps.
Income Guidelines
Resource Guidelines
Other Assistance Programs