Insurance cover is a wise cost effective way to provide for the unexpected. Few, if any, of us know when we might become ill or suffer a serious accident or worse still lose our life. In these events it is wise to have the necessary financial back ups in place so that your family, your income, your mortgage, your business and your employees are adequately protected against the financial losses that will result.
There are various types of life insurance as outlined below.
Family Protection
Life Cover provides your family with a tax-free lump sum of money in the event of your death. They are free to use this lump sum in whatever way they choose: to pay off outstanding debts, supplement household income or provide for your dependants.
Term Assurance Cover
*You choose the level of cover you require (lump sum) and the period of time you want the cover for.
*If you die during the period of cover, the policy pays out a lump sum to your family.
*Your premium is determined at the beginning of the policy and can be fixed for the entire term.
Whole of Life Cover
A more comprehensive form of Life Cover with no specific term: you are covered until you die, as long as you pay the required premium.
*You can cover your entire life, or be covered for as long as you want to pay premiums.
*Because your premiums are reviewed to ensure they meet your benefits level, they may be subject to periodic increases
Income Protection
Income Protection from Friends First is designed to provide you with an alternative income if you suffer any illness or injury which prevents you from earning an income of your own. It helps take care of your financial needs at a time when money worries should be the last thing on your mind as you focus on recovery.
Income Protection can give you up to 75% of your usual income when you're off work due to illness or injury. This money is guaranteed until your selected retirement date if you're not fit to return to work.
Mortgage Protection
Buying your home is one of the biggest and most important financial decisions you'll ever make. Not only is it a place for you and your family to live in and enjoy, but it also has a big role to play in your financial well-being.
What Mortgage Protection does is provide a lump sum of money to pay off the balance of your mortgage in the event of your death. It is a basic, cost-effective form of life cover designed to ensure that your family and loved ones' home is fully protected.
Business Protection
Most business owners will take steps to minimise risk to their business - insuring property, equipment, vehicles, etc. While these are sensible precautions, what would happen on the death of key people, partners, or directors?
Successful companies are made up of people with experience, knowledge, management expertise and vital business contacts. Without these people the business might not succeed. Business Protection is designed to protect a company against some of the costs associated with the death of a key employee, director, or partner.
Group Protection
Group Protection plans are designed to provide Income Protection, Life Cover and Specified Illness Cover to employers and employees.
They offer financial protection in the event of a staff member dying in service or suffering an injury or illness which prevents them working.
Group Protection is a valuable and attractive part of any employer's overall proposition and plays a key role in staff recruitment, motivation and retention.
There are various types of life insurance as outlined below.
Family Protection
Life Cover provides your family with a tax-free lump sum of money in the event of your death. They are free to use this lump sum in whatever way they choose: to pay off outstanding debts, supplement household income or provide for your dependants.
Term Assurance Cover
*You choose the level of cover you require (lump sum) and the period of time you want the cover for.
*If you die during the period of cover, the policy pays out a lump sum to your family.
*Your premium is determined at the beginning of the policy and can be fixed for the entire term.
Whole of Life Cover
A more comprehensive form of Life Cover with no specific term: you are covered until you die, as long as you pay the required premium.
*You can cover your entire life, or be covered for as long as you want to pay premiums.
*Because your premiums are reviewed to ensure they meet your benefits level, they may be subject to periodic increases
Income Protection
Income Protection from Friends First is designed to provide you with an alternative income if you suffer any illness or injury which prevents you from earning an income of your own. It helps take care of your financial needs at a time when money worries should be the last thing on your mind as you focus on recovery.
Income Protection can give you up to 75% of your usual income when you're off work due to illness or injury. This money is guaranteed until your selected retirement date if you're not fit to return to work.
Mortgage Protection
Buying your home is one of the biggest and most important financial decisions you'll ever make. Not only is it a place for you and your family to live in and enjoy, but it also has a big role to play in your financial well-being.
What Mortgage Protection does is provide a lump sum of money to pay off the balance of your mortgage in the event of your death. It is a basic, cost-effective form of life cover designed to ensure that your family and loved ones' home is fully protected.
Business Protection
Most business owners will take steps to minimise risk to their business - insuring property, equipment, vehicles, etc. While these are sensible precautions, what would happen on the death of key people, partners, or directors?
Successful companies are made up of people with experience, knowledge, management expertise and vital business contacts. Without these people the business might not succeed. Business Protection is designed to protect a company against some of the costs associated with the death of a key employee, director, or partner.
Group Protection
Group Protection plans are designed to provide Income Protection, Life Cover and Specified Illness Cover to employers and employees.
They offer financial protection in the event of a staff member dying in service or suffering an injury or illness which prevents them working.
Group Protection is a valuable and attractive part of any employer's overall proposition and plays a key role in staff recruitment, motivation and retention.