"How Can I Last Longer in Bed?" This is a question that a lot of modern men are asking today.
When it comes to things men are embarrassed about, premature ejaculation is near the top of the list.
It is an extremely emasculating experience.
For those that suffer from it, the good news is how common it is among men.
Moreover, it is treatable.
Not only is the experience devastating to the male ego, but it is a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable for women as well.
It affects their sex lives and the confidence of the men that they are having sex with.
It leads to untold social problems, and relationship issues.
In this article, prepare yourself for some simple explanations for why this problem exists, and what you can do to work toward a solution.
To stop premature ejaculation, you first have to understand what you are dealing with.
There are multiple causes behind the problem.
The most prominent and well-known source happens to be psychological.
The mind is more at fault than the sexual equipment.
The mind gets anxious, excited, and fearful at the same time.
The mind becomes so agitated with the experience that it leads the body to early ejaculation.
After it happens the first time, the next encounter causes even more anxiety and excitement.
A person who suffers from premature ejaculation is fearful that he will do just that, and as a result of the fear, it occurs.
It is a cycle that feeds itself, and unless broken, can continue to get worse and worse.
Solution: CHILL OUT.
An additional explanation centers around the issue of oversensitivity.
When it comes to sex, we are not all created equally, and some have more sensitive genitalia than others.
Solution: Kegel Exercise and Mental Practice.
A further reason behind this problem has to do with habit.
That's it.
The good news is that habits can be broken.
Men get into the habit of wanting to ejaculate early.
As a result, they do just that.
Solution: Rethink and Relearn.
This is a behavior that can be unlearned, and with a lot of mental practice, the mind will come to enjoy the sex and hold off longer for the ejaculation.
When it comes to things men are embarrassed about, premature ejaculation is near the top of the list.
It is an extremely emasculating experience.
For those that suffer from it, the good news is how common it is among men.
Moreover, it is treatable.
Not only is the experience devastating to the male ego, but it is a bit embarrassing and uncomfortable for women as well.
It affects their sex lives and the confidence of the men that they are having sex with.
It leads to untold social problems, and relationship issues.
In this article, prepare yourself for some simple explanations for why this problem exists, and what you can do to work toward a solution.
To stop premature ejaculation, you first have to understand what you are dealing with.
There are multiple causes behind the problem.
The most prominent and well-known source happens to be psychological.
The mind is more at fault than the sexual equipment.
The mind gets anxious, excited, and fearful at the same time.
The mind becomes so agitated with the experience that it leads the body to early ejaculation.
After it happens the first time, the next encounter causes even more anxiety and excitement.
A person who suffers from premature ejaculation is fearful that he will do just that, and as a result of the fear, it occurs.
It is a cycle that feeds itself, and unless broken, can continue to get worse and worse.
Solution: CHILL OUT.
An additional explanation centers around the issue of oversensitivity.
When it comes to sex, we are not all created equally, and some have more sensitive genitalia than others.
Solution: Kegel Exercise and Mental Practice.
A further reason behind this problem has to do with habit.
That's it.
The good news is that habits can be broken.
Men get into the habit of wanting to ejaculate early.
As a result, they do just that.
Solution: Rethink and Relearn.
This is a behavior that can be unlearned, and with a lot of mental practice, the mind will come to enjoy the sex and hold off longer for the ejaculation.