Business & Finance mortgage

A Mortgage Broker who Never Gave Up!

Lately I've been chatting with quite a few loan officers. In the last 10 days, I spoke with someone who was so desperate, he offered me 50% of his closings for the next 6 months if I could help him close more; and I also spoke with a loan officer who closed 28 loans in the last 30 days. (His average is over 25 per month - This guy is a machine!)

The irony of this situation is that both loan officers worked within 30 miles of each other. This raises a question... What is the difference between those who are closing hundreds of loans this year, and those struggling to find 1 or 2 per month? Attitude, and trust...

This is not to say that those who are struggling have a bad attitude. Rather, what I've noticed is that those who seem to be kicking in the doors lately, and closing loans at an exponentially higher rate than their competition have a high degree of trust in their marketing and sales ability. If you don't think you can succeed, then why should your actions tell you any different?

If you're skeptical, and keep playing the sales game defensively rather than going on the offense, you are making your job much, much more difficult than it needs to be! Let's look at a loan officer named Omar.

Omar came to me, and told me his situation. It was a tough spot to be in to be sure, but he said something to me that I knew would make him a great candidate for a rapid change in his career: "Just tell me what to do, and I will do it." Omar stuck to that promise. Despite the tight spot he found himself in, he made that decision to give it his all, without wasting time playing the "what if" game.

Too often I find originators worry about what will happen IF this or THAT doesn't work... This is a defensive attitude that will kill your progress dead in its tracks. Its the same as trying to play basketball by doing nothing more than blocking. How many points would you score? None! You'd almost certainly lose every single game since no one is good enough to block 100% of the other teams shots!

In a similar vein, no loan officer on the planet can successfully block bad things from happening 100% of the time, so stop trying! A defensive mindset stops you from reaching your potential. Go on the offense, and tell yourself the same thing Omar did: "I'm going to do it - Success is NOT an option!"

Why should it be? You have the exact same opportunity that everyone else has. Some of our members were hurting so bad they had to take small loans or borrow the money just to join the Loan Officer Marketing Lab... Yet, most of them have added several closings per month to their wallet... If a loan officer so tight on cash can still market themselves effectively, then anyone can! (No, I am not promoting mindless spending here, but rather, CALCULATED risks. There is nothing wrong with being prudent with your spending, but at some point, you MUST make a decision to move forward and commit yourself to that decision)

Find your "ON" button and keep mashing it throughout the day. What gets you going? What gets you excited? What makes you stand up and take action? For Omar, he told me he didn't have a choice, he HAD to make this work! I love hearing that, because it tells me things are about to get done! People seem to transform when all options are removed. A mental decision is made that "I'm going to do what I have to... Nothing is going to stand in my way." That's the mode you need to be in right now. Forget the market, YOU are in control. Just ask the loan officer who closed 28 loans in April...

Chad Weber - []

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