- 1). If you have been diagnosed or think that you may have cancer and need medical attention but cannot afford it, sign up for Medicare if you are of eligible age (65), or Medicaid if you are within an eligible income bracket. There are lengthy instructions on how to sign up for these programs at their respective websites, www.medicare.gov or www.cms.hhs.gov/home/medicaid.asp, and you can use the phone book to find the number of the local or state agency that administers these services if you have questions about eligibility or how to apply.
- 2). If you need emotional guidance rather than medical, there are several avenues you can use to get help and comfort. There are several websites that offer free help by answering questions or offering services of some kind: www.cancer.gov/help; www.cancerhelponline.org; www.livestrong.org (See Resources for links)
Additionally, if you have services such as Medicare or Medicaid, you may be eligible for free counseling services. Most colleges and universities also offer free counseling to their students and staff, as well. - 3). If you need emotional or spiritual guidance, but don't feel comfortable talking to a counselor, turn to a religious organization. Using the Internet and phonebook, research different religious organizations and see if any appeal to you. Call and make a free appointment with the head of the organization, who will discuss your private matters with you and either continue seeing you personally or use the network to find someone for you to talk with.
Free Cancer Help