Free Radicals versus a Strong Foundation Everything needs a strong foundation to survive.
A building needs a strong base to survive time or else it will collapse.
Trees need strong roots to survive time.
Your body needs strong, healthy cells, DNA and immune system to survive.
Over time your cells get damaged due to poor nutrition, pesticides, pollution, etc.
This article is one of many covered in my book how to be healthy 7 live longer, so you may benefit from my experience for yourself without spending 25 years and a lot of time & money.
Free Radicals and You Our most relentless enemies today and how to defeat them: Free Radicals cause oxidation and, left unchecked, produce a domino effect.
One free radical produces another, and like a spreading fire, once burned, tissue is never the same again.
Where do they come from? Our Environment It is impossible to be alive and not have some free radical damage.
Every single day our bodies are attacked by free radicals generated in their thousands from unavoidable sources: oAir Pollution oTobacco smoke oPesticides oHerbicides oRadiation, and oToxic waste 50,000 chemicals are released into the environment by industry.
400 million litres of pesticides and herbicides are sprayed onto our food and pastures.
85% of all diseases have been linked to free radical damage.
Approximately 10,000 free radicals hit every cell of your body each day.
In the course of their frenzy, free radicals, damage cells, break down the body contribute to the aging process.
We are constantly exposed to free radicals, they are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
Stress of modern lifestyle and toxic by-products have increased free radical load.
The body's antioxidant defenses are overwhelmed.
Antioxidant nutrients are usually inactivated and need to be replenished.
Some facts: oAn average person consumes 5kg food additives each year.
o1/3 of our food intake is from sources with no nutritional value.
oLess than 9% of the population eat enough fruit and vegetables.
oWe each consume an average of 58 pounds of fat and 129 lbs of sugar.
o8 out of 10 causes of death are related to our diet.
oMore than half the population suffer with some chronic health problem.
o1 out of 3 will have cancer.
oOver the past 20 years prescriptions have doubled.
oIncrease in immune disorders and the use of steroids.
The super bug is real This is the age of stress and strain.
It is a new epidemic, an invisible assassin capable of rapidly breaking down the body.
Our bodies are not designed for the constant stresses of a modern day life.
It is just too much stress for our bodies to handle today.
Without adding antioxidant supplements to your diet, you will achieve very little.
All this may sound alarming.
But Prevention is the key
A building needs a strong base to survive time or else it will collapse.
Trees need strong roots to survive time.
Your body needs strong, healthy cells, DNA and immune system to survive.
Over time your cells get damaged due to poor nutrition, pesticides, pollution, etc.
This article is one of many covered in my book how to be healthy 7 live longer, so you may benefit from my experience for yourself without spending 25 years and a lot of time & money.
Free Radicals and You Our most relentless enemies today and how to defeat them: Free Radicals cause oxidation and, left unchecked, produce a domino effect.
One free radical produces another, and like a spreading fire, once burned, tissue is never the same again.
Where do they come from? Our Environment It is impossible to be alive and not have some free radical damage.
Every single day our bodies are attacked by free radicals generated in their thousands from unavoidable sources: oAir Pollution oTobacco smoke oPesticides oHerbicides oRadiation, and oToxic waste 50,000 chemicals are released into the environment by industry.
400 million litres of pesticides and herbicides are sprayed onto our food and pastures.
85% of all diseases have been linked to free radical damage.
Approximately 10,000 free radicals hit every cell of your body each day.
In the course of their frenzy, free radicals, damage cells, break down the body contribute to the aging process.
We are constantly exposed to free radicals, they are in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat.
Stress of modern lifestyle and toxic by-products have increased free radical load.
The body's antioxidant defenses are overwhelmed.
Antioxidant nutrients are usually inactivated and need to be replenished.
Some facts: oAn average person consumes 5kg food additives each year.
o1/3 of our food intake is from sources with no nutritional value.
oLess than 9% of the population eat enough fruit and vegetables.
oWe each consume an average of 58 pounds of fat and 129 lbs of sugar.
o8 out of 10 causes of death are related to our diet.
oMore than half the population suffer with some chronic health problem.
o1 out of 3 will have cancer.
oOver the past 20 years prescriptions have doubled.
oIncrease in immune disorders and the use of steroids.
The super bug is real This is the age of stress and strain.
It is a new epidemic, an invisible assassin capable of rapidly breaking down the body.
Our bodies are not designed for the constant stresses of a modern day life.
It is just too much stress for our bodies to handle today.
Without adding antioxidant supplements to your diet, you will achieve very little.
All this may sound alarming.
But Prevention is the key