- If you have a group of three players, you can mimic the classic TV game show "Jeopardy" while keeping all of the categories within the Biblical realm. You don't want more than three players because it will become difficult to keep track of the first buzzer when you have a lot of kids going at once. If you don't happen to have any buzzers, simply have the players raise their hands. If you have more than three players, group them into teams so they can take turns trying to answer questions.
- Bible board games must be purchased online or at game stores, and will usually cost $10 to $20 each. These are fun, organized games that both kids and adults can play together. There are general Bible trivia games, but there are also classic board games that have been revamped specifically for Bible topics. Bible-opoly is a Biblical twist on Monopoly. Apples to Apples offers a "Bible Edition," as do Outburst and Scattergories.
- To help kids memorize verses or Bible facts, help them create their own memory flash cards. On one side of a blank index card, write the verse or fact. If you want to teach a kid about the story of Jacob and Esau, write "Esau" on one side. The other side write "brother of Jacob, son of Isaac, Genesis 25." Each card should have two sides, with a hint on one side and an answer on the other side. Kids can challenge their own Bible knowledge whenever they want with these memory cards.
Board Games
Flash Cards