Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Home Garden Fly Control Attempt Using Bait

Baits consist of an insecticide mixed with a substance that is attractive to flies, such as sugar. Fly sex pheromone is added to the formulation to increase the effectiveness of the bait.

Commercial baits are usually formulated as granules which can be handled easily.Baits may be prepared by the user by mixing an insecticide with molasses, sugar, beer or other attractive substances. However, such mixtures may be hazardous for the user to prepare and their effectiveness may be erratic.

Baiting is a control method that you can use to help reduce adult fruit fly numbers in your home garden. Bait sprays consist of a liquid food (protein) attractant and an insecticide. Baits are generally sprayed on to the foliage and trunks of trees and plants. Both the male and female adult flies are attracted to the baits while foraging over the leaves for food and are poisoned after feeding on the spray droplets.


Baiting controls both the female and male adult fruit fly
Only small amounts of chemical (insecticide) are used through baiting
Baits are generally not attractive or harmful to beneficial insects that may be natural enemies of fruit flies
Organic baits have low risk to human health
No withholding periods as baits are not applied directly to fruit
Baiting to control fruit flies will be right for you if you:

live in relative isolation in an area with low fruit fly pressure
are willing and able to diligently apply bait sprays in the garden
grow large quantities of crops or heavy bearing fruit trees (where exclusion may not be an option)
tolerate some fruit fly damage to your crops
want to use a low impact control method, with the option of using organic products are alright with the idea of using a cover spray if baiting does not give adequate fruit fly control keep foraging poultry in your home garden

Factors affecting success

Timing of the first bait treatment you apply
Effectiveness of the bait spray product that you choose to use
Proximity of your garden to nearby sources of fruit flies
Amount of fruit fly pest pressure in your area
Regularity of treatments and fruit fly pressure
Practicing baiting in combination with other fly control methods such as sanitation
Proper application of bait sprays on to plant foliage and tree trunks
Need trapping to see if baiting effective, if not noticeably reduce fly numbers, then need to cover spray
When to do it

The time to start your baiting program may vary depending on the product you use. But generally, you should start baiting before:

the adult fruit flies become active (i.e. when the first adult flies have been detected or found in traps)
five to six weeks before fruit ripens, and sometimes even before the plant flowering stage (that occurs before fruit formation)

Go to main page Fly Control Auckland for more ideas and assistance
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