Cars & Vehicles Recreation Vehicle

DIY Auto AC 134 Charge

    • 1). Put on all safety equipment including glasses and gloves.

    • 2). Open your automobile's hood and locate the HIGH and LOW air conditioning service fittings. The fittings for R134a systems are short circular pieces of metal with no exterior threading. The HIGH fitting is located on the connection line between the condenser and compressor. The LOW fitting is located on the connection line between the accumulator and compressor.

    • 3). Snap the valve onto the can of refrigerant. Screw the service hose onto the valve.

    • 4). Turn the valve tightly clockwise to pierce the lid of the can. Turn the valve counter-clockwise slowly to release some refrigerant down the hose and flush air out of it. Turn the valve clockwise again to seal the can.

    • 5). Connect the service hose to the LOW service fitting. Keep the can upright to prevent liquid from leaking into the system.

    • 6). Turn the vehicle on and set the air conditioning to its highest setting.

    • 7). Rotate the valve counterclockwise. Wait up to 10 minutes for the can to empty into the system.

    • 8). Test the temperature of the air inside the vehicle. Stop the vehicle and disconnect the service hose. If the air temperature remains incorrect, attach another can and repeat the process.

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