Writing can be challenging and time-consuming, especially when so many things fight to steal our attention away from our work.
Add our tendencies toward procrastination and we're lucky if we get any writing done at all.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Here are some things we can do to improve our speed, get more productive, and dramatically reduce our writing time.
#1 - Focus on writing only I know this is a no-brainer, but how many times have you tried to write while watching TV? Was the writing time productive? My guess is that it wasn't productive and it took you a long time to get the writing done.
How do I know? I've done it before.
Watching TV or checking social media while trying to write generally does not work for me.
There are too many distractions or "shiny new objects" for me to devote my attention to my writing.
One of the tools I use to help keep me focused so that I'm not checking social media every five minutes when I'm supposed to be writing is a self-control app on my smartphone.
I can set it to block certain programs on my phone during a defined time frame.
Learn how to focus on writing only and the writing time should be much more productive.
#2 - Use your best method Using the writing method that works best for you can also dramatically reduce the amount of time you need to spend on writing for your blog or business.
Do the words flow more freely when you type on a keyboard? How about on paper? Maybe talking into a voice recorder works best for you.
Whatever method works best, use it.
And be flexible.
Sometimes I find that the writing flows easily when I type the words and other times using a pen and paper works better.
Even if you have to type your writing into a word processor later, you might still save time (and potentially improve your creativity) by writing on paper or talking into a voice recorder.
Use the method that gets you more inspired and productive.
#3 - Write during your best time Finding the best time of day to focus on your writing can also help you write more productively.
What time of day are you the most productive? Do the words flow more freely first thing in the morning? Or do you prefer the afternoon? Try to write during that time.
If you have other obligations during that time, then you'll need to make adjustments and work with your schedule.
Maybe you can wake up an hour earlier or you can take a long lunch.
Find what works for you.
I hope that helps! I'd love you hear your thoughts.
Have you noticed that you write more freely during a particular time of day?
Add our tendencies toward procrastination and we're lucky if we get any writing done at all.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Here are some things we can do to improve our speed, get more productive, and dramatically reduce our writing time.
#1 - Focus on writing only I know this is a no-brainer, but how many times have you tried to write while watching TV? Was the writing time productive? My guess is that it wasn't productive and it took you a long time to get the writing done.
How do I know? I've done it before.
Watching TV or checking social media while trying to write generally does not work for me.
There are too many distractions or "shiny new objects" for me to devote my attention to my writing.
One of the tools I use to help keep me focused so that I'm not checking social media every five minutes when I'm supposed to be writing is a self-control app on my smartphone.
I can set it to block certain programs on my phone during a defined time frame.
Learn how to focus on writing only and the writing time should be much more productive.
#2 - Use your best method Using the writing method that works best for you can also dramatically reduce the amount of time you need to spend on writing for your blog or business.
Do the words flow more freely when you type on a keyboard? How about on paper? Maybe talking into a voice recorder works best for you.
Whatever method works best, use it.
And be flexible.
Sometimes I find that the writing flows easily when I type the words and other times using a pen and paper works better.
Even if you have to type your writing into a word processor later, you might still save time (and potentially improve your creativity) by writing on paper or talking into a voice recorder.
Use the method that gets you more inspired and productive.
#3 - Write during your best time Finding the best time of day to focus on your writing can also help you write more productively.
What time of day are you the most productive? Do the words flow more freely first thing in the morning? Or do you prefer the afternoon? Try to write during that time.
If you have other obligations during that time, then you'll need to make adjustments and work with your schedule.
Maybe you can wake up an hour earlier or you can take a long lunch.
Find what works for you.
I hope that helps! I'd love you hear your thoughts.
Have you noticed that you write more freely during a particular time of day?