A loan calculator can be a very useful tool for those looking into taking out car finance.Many people find the car financing market difficult to understand. There are so many different products on offer that finding the best option for your own needs is not always a straightforward task. Also if you are not familiar with the terminology and jargon used in car finance then you can be left feeling very confused.Help and AdviceIt is important that you get some extra help and advice when looking into car finance. Too many people pick the wrong product for their budget and needs simply because they are not sure what to look for. This could mean you end up paying far more than you need to for finance to help you buy a new car.Online services such as Carloanadvisor.co.uk can offer lots of useful resources to help you when choosing a car finance deal. You can find useful car loan calculator services online. This will allow you to find out exactly what each loan deal is offering you and how much it will cost overall.Comparing OnlineThe best thing about a car loan calculator is that it will offer you a very fast and effective way to compare products. A car loan calculator breaks down the jargon and sales talk of each deal. It will tell you exactly what you need to know about:- How much you will need to pay each month- How much the loan will cost you overall (the amount borrowed plus the interest).This is makes choosing a loan deal so much easier. You can use the loan calculator to compare products quickly side-by-side and find the right deal for your budget.Tips for using a Loan CalculatorTo help you get the best from using a car loan calculator here are some basic tips:- Consistency - it is very important to compare loan products 'like for like'. This means when you get quotes from different deals you need to use the same base figure. This provides you with a more accurate way to compare costs and savings using a car loan calculator.- Hidden Costs - you need to check through the details of each quote carefully for any hidden costs. This might include admin fees, set up payments and so on. These hidden costs can soon add up and could affect how each deal compares overall.- Act Quickly - Car loan deals can change weekly. This finance market is in constant movement and so lenders will adapt deals regularly. If you do find a good deal using a car loan calculator then you will need to act quickly. If you leave it too long the deal may no longer be available to you.