Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Suffer From Heartburn? Then You May Want To Read This

Many people suffer from heartburn and it is likely that you have at some point in your life.
Prescription medicine is the first stop for the majority of people when they are looking for heartburn remedies.
Many people don't like taking medication and simply deal with the pain and discomfort that is associated with this condition.
Let's discuss the alternatives to traditional medicine and fight back against the heartburn symptoms that can cause such misery.
If you are reading through this article then it is likely that you are a sufferer or you have a family member that suffers.
It is also widely acknowledged by many people as acid reflux but at this stage I am sure you are not too bothered what it is best known as! Luckily there are steps you can take to help prevent heartburn.
First thing that you can try at home if the warning signs start to show is take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
This is used for many different home remedies and has been known to be very effective at culling heartburn pain almost before it has really begun.
This remedy may seem strange initially as the first thought is that acid surely isn't going to do you any good? Well, the apple cider vinegar actually helps digest the food in a quicker more efficient manner before heartburn really takes hold.
Eating a meal like it is the last food available in the world is another sure fire way to trigger the burn.
Just take it easy and chew your food before swallowing and make your meals last a little longer.
Help your digestive system by breaking down your food a little more! It may seem simplistic but this is often enough to stop heartburn on its own.
Splitting your meals up into several smaller portions rather than having 3 big meals a day can also be effective.
Try having 6 smaller meals throughout the day to see if this helps a little.
The last tip we have is to drink water on a regular basis as well as with your meals.
This simple step alone has helped people get rid of heartburn pains.
Be sure it is just water though, no coffee, juices or fizzy drinks.
These could make the symptoms worse if consumed along with meals.
These are just a small selection of some of the heartburn remedies that you can easily implement at home today.
Don't lose hope though if these don't work as what works for one may not necessarily work for another.
If these don't work then it is recommended to take a look at a guide such as Heartburn No More.
This has many different natural remedies that have been put together and researched by a former sufferer.
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