Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Rescue Your Relationship - 3 Quick Tips

Is your relationship on the brink of disaster? Like so many others, you need to step back for a moment and assess the situation. The first step to fixing a broken relationship is to stop the bad behavior that is causing the problem in the first place. Only then can you move forward with positive steps to repair the damage that was done. If you don't know where to begin, try out one of the following suggestions.

1) Accept each other's imperfections

Admittedly, this can be a hard thing to do. It may require swallowing your pride and putting your ego aside, but once you realize that you are just as imperfect as your partner it will become easier to accept their flaws. One tried and true exercise you can practice is to focus on the good qualities in your spouse or girlfriend. Each day find one genuinely good thing about the other person and praise them for it. Your sincere admiration and praise will build trust and respect and will ultimately work in your favor towards repairing your relationship.

2) Spend quality time together

This does NOT mean sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite sitcom. While that may be somewhat of a bonding experience it is not what you should be doing much of if your relationship is on the rocks. It has been theorized that if two people share in an endorphin activating activity it naturally bonds them together. Try engaging in a somewhat challenging exercise together. That could be anything from hiking to skydiving. Or it could be as simple as cooking together or playing a challenging game of chess. These types of activities foster conversation and create an atmosphere is which you may naturally open up to each other.

3) Communicate

If your relationship is in dire straits, the last thing you want to do is clam up. Giving each other the silent treatment or keeping quiet because you're afraid what you say might lead to a fight is counter-productive. A healthy relationship requires open and honest communication. This can be a challenge since it takes finesse to navigate sore subjects with your partner. If there is something heavy weighing on you, wait for a quiet time when neither of you are stressed or on any time constraint. Then tell them that you would like to talk about something that is weighing on you and ask if it's a good time. Likely they will say yes and will be laser focused on what you have to say. And don't forget to be a good listener too. When it's time for the other person to speak, listen intently and do not interrupt them. You may be surprised at how this verbal give and take can help to clear the air and bring you closer together.

These are just a few suggestions to help you rescue your relationship from the brink of disaster. With enough patience and love you can win over your spouse or girlfriend.

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