Health & Medical Men's Health

Can You Increase Penis Size With Simple Penis Exercises? Find Exercises To Increase 3+ Inches Today!

Penis Enlargement methods have been used for thousands of years, in ancient times, the Sudanese-Arabs used these methods to achieve penis sizes of well over 9+ inches.
Recently, real medical studies and clinical trials have proven that these techniques do in fact work-and that permanent gains in both penis length and girth are possible.
Additionally, the same studies found that increases in penis size are not the only benefit of these natural penis exercises.
Other benefits include; 1)Making you able to last longer in bed.
2)More voluminous ejaculation(increasing the amount of semen produced when you ejaculate) 3)Increasing your ability to have longer and harder erections 4)It improves your overall sexual control and performance.
5)The most visible and tangible benefit is obviously making your penis larger.
Imagine being able to give your girlfriend or wife the thrusting of her lifetime! How about every single time! Imagine the confidence, the extra swagger, the "superiority" knowing that your penis is longer than average! That your penis is wider than average (which is more important than length) and knowing that any woman would be lucky to be with you and not the other way around! Male enhancement exercises are natural exercises, the only tools you need are: 1)A good step-by-step program.
2)Lubrication (baby oil or lotion).
3)Your hands.
The Jelq
Jelquing is the an ancient male enhancement technique.
It was used by Arabian tribes.
The technique involves a "milking" motion like you would a cow.
This increases the amount of blood the penile chambers can hold-which is the limiting factor in the size of your erections.
When performed regularly over time, jelqing will permanently increase the size of the penis cells or Corpora Cavernosa.
Jelqing is the best exercise to increase both the length and girth of your penis.
It has been used successfully by millions of men worldwide.
Be sure to perform the warm up and cool down recommended for even better results! Warm-up:Take a wash towel and soak in warm water.
Remove the wash towel and wring out the excess water.
Wrap the towel around your penis for 3 minutes.
Remove the towel, re-soak and re-wrap it around your penis for 3 minutes.
Exercise: Make an "okay sign" with your right forefinger and thumb, grip your penis a the base and pull out firmly towards the head.
Your have to be about 70% erect (never perform this exercise fully erect!).
Use your second hand with the same "okay" sign and grip the base of the shaft as the right hand approaches the head.
You should not use this technique past the base of the head.
Perform this exercise for 20 minutes per day initially only increasing the time as you get more advanced.
Cool-down: Same as warm-up.
This is to allow the blood to flow back out of the penis and to soothe any (very mild) swelling or bruising on your penis.
The Penis Stretch
The aim of this exercise is to stretch the cells of the penis.
The penis stretch makes the cells composing your penis grow in length and girth (to a lesser effect).
Again be sure to perform the warm up an cool down recommended! Warm-up: Same warm-up as the Jelq.
Exercise: You need to be completely flaccid to do this exercise.
Use your dominant hand and hold your penis out directly in front of you with your forefinger and thumb, gently pull outwards.
Then gradually let go after about 10 seconds.
Do this directly downwards, upwards, to the left and right.
You let go after pulling for 10 seconds in each direction.
Do this exercise 10 minutes as a beginner, as you get more experience, you may increase the time spent! Cool-down: Same cool-down as for the Jelq.
Bonus exercise
Kegel or PC Squeeze.
This exercise works on the PC muscle (Pubococcygeus) and is a perfect complement to your natural penis enlargement program.
It greatly increases your ability to prolong ejaculation.
So you last hours in bed.
The PC muscle is located between your scrotum and anus.
To locate the PC muscle when you go to the bathroom to urinate, stop midway and hold it in.
The muscle that you contract to do this is the PC muscle.
It also is the muscle that you use to delay ejaculating.
To perform this exercise, simple contract your PC muscle as you would trying to delay ejaculation.
Hold the contraction for 10 seconds and stop.
Do 100 reps or so your first time.
As you get more advanced, you can contract for 20 seconds or longer and do more reps.
This exercise can be performed at the office, home, doing chores, wherever! Another variation of this exercise is the towel hang.
Simply soak a towel in warm water and squeeze out the excess water.
Hang the towel near the head of your penis shaft.
You should be 100% erect for this! Then try and raise the towel up and down your penis as you would do bicep curls during exercise.
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