Business & Finance Small Business

Is a "Business Opportunity Lead" Really a Business "Opportunity?"

I scratch my head when I see lead generation companies think they hold the holy grail when they use the word "Business Opportunity Lead.
" Sure, I understand the word is supposed to mean "prospects" and "it is the difference between the survival or the demise of a small business.
" But, unless the lead generation company salesperson is someone I trust, someone who has owned his own business and put into practice himself of what it takes to run and operate a small business.
I think most business opportunity lead salespeople use the word because it makes them feel empowered.
It makes them feel, like the small business would not survive without their help.
The majority of small business owners don't cross-check or cross-reference these lead generation companies.
They blindly believe that they are buying an effective and credible business opportunity lead; a lead that will generate a prospect who will soon become a client, so their businesses can thrive and succeed.
Here are some problems with the conventional idea of a "business opportunity lead.
" If business leads are truly an opportunity, they are going to be recycled, probably to numerous small businesses.
Sounds good from the perspective of the salesperson, the one offering the business opportunity lead, but what about the business owner? Then the opportunity is not so good because they are truly paying to share potential clients with the competition.
Is that ironic or what! If these leads were real business opportunities, they should be offered to one small business owner who can really offer his products or services to the interested prospects.
If small business owners were really given this opportunity, then they would not have to shed thousands of dollars buying leads over and over again.
Only a handful of leads would do the job.
But that would put lead generation companies out of business, wouldn't it? I know I am playing the "bad gal" in the lead generation business.
I also know I am bursting the bubble for so many small business owners who have been loyally paying for these so called "hot" leads for years.
Someone sees my writings and thinks, well, she already made it, and she does not have to buy leads anymore.
Honestly? Nothing is furthest from the truth.
Just like you, I need leads every single day for my business to survive.
I do though, believe that being in charge of generating your own business opportunity lead , will not only save you thousands of dollars a year and increase your bottom line.
But most importantly, it will put you in charge of probably the most important task of your small business survival, generating real, interested prospects.
Additionally, if your product or service fits their needs, you will have created loyal clients that will buy from you for years to come.
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