Obtaining cheap car insurance for your young driver can be quite challenging since rates are generally the highest for this age group, and typically stay expensive until they reach 25 years of age. Here are some tips that should help:
1. Check With Your Current Insurance Company First
It's usually much cheaper to add your teens to your existing policy, versus purchasing a separate policy for them. Insurance companies generally offer cheaper pricing for insuring multiple cars, and for including multiple policies (homeowners and auto). These discounts can add up to 10 - 15% savings, and are well worth your time to pursue.
Make sure to take advantage of all discounts for car features. Available discounts are generally offered for having auto safety features such as anti-lock brakes, anti-theft devices, airbags, and automatic seatbelts. A safer car reduces risk for the insurance company's rating process, resulting in cheaper insurance rates.
You should also consider raising deductibles if you can afford to do so. Reducing or dropping collision coverage on older vehicles can also lower your insurance premiums.
2. Search for Deals Online and Compare
It is always wise to compare rate quotes for a new policy before adding your young driver to your existing policy. This is easy to do online. Make sure you're comparing the exact same policy limits and deductibles for a proper comparison. There are many fraudulent offers on the internet, so stick with large, strong insurance companies for their reputation and dependability.
3. Young Driver Discounts
Insuring a young driver can be expensive, but there are things that you can do to minimize the expense. Ask about a good-student discount if your young driver has a B-average or higher; then check to see if taking a safe driving course could result in a second discount. These two discounts could save you up to 25%.
1. Check With Your Current Insurance Company First
It's usually much cheaper to add your teens to your existing policy, versus purchasing a separate policy for them. Insurance companies generally offer cheaper pricing for insuring multiple cars, and for including multiple policies (homeowners and auto). These discounts can add up to 10 - 15% savings, and are well worth your time to pursue.
Make sure to take advantage of all discounts for car features. Available discounts are generally offered for having auto safety features such as anti-lock brakes, anti-theft devices, airbags, and automatic seatbelts. A safer car reduces risk for the insurance company's rating process, resulting in cheaper insurance rates.
You should also consider raising deductibles if you can afford to do so. Reducing or dropping collision coverage on older vehicles can also lower your insurance premiums.
2. Search for Deals Online and Compare
It is always wise to compare rate quotes for a new policy before adding your young driver to your existing policy. This is easy to do online. Make sure you're comparing the exact same policy limits and deductibles for a proper comparison. There are many fraudulent offers on the internet, so stick with large, strong insurance companies for their reputation and dependability.
3. Young Driver Discounts
Insuring a young driver can be expensive, but there are things that you can do to minimize the expense. Ask about a good-student discount if your young driver has a B-average or higher; then check to see if taking a safe driving course could result in a second discount. These two discounts could save you up to 25%.