Health & Medical Anti Aging

Do Collagen and Elastin Products Work? The Secret is in How They Are Delivered

Are you wondering do collagen and elastin products work? In recent years, as we've come to understand more about the aging processes in skin they've become all the rage.
But most of them don't work.
Our skin has three ingredients that give it the firmness, tightness and tone of youth.
Two of them are proteins; collagen and elastin while the third is hyaluronic acid.
Collagen gives the skin strength and thickness while elastin gives it the flexibility it needs to be stretched but then return to its original position without leaving wrinkles.
Hyaluronic acid binds these two proteins to our skin cells - kind of like a glue that holds things together.
As we age, we actually start losing collagen and elastin in skin at about 1.
5% a year, starting in our early twenties.
As a result, our skin starts to get thinner and it looses the ability to snap back into position as we go through life smiling, frowning etc.
Eventually, our skin starts to sag and wrinkles become more pronounced.
If we raise the levels of collagen and elastin this process is slowed down and even reversed.
If we could get as much of these proteins into our skin as we had in our twenties our skin would look like it did then.
(Actually, not quite true - skin damage due to free radicals, sun exposure and so forth also needs to be addressed - but it can be.
) So if this is the case, if you ask do collagen and elastin products work, why am I concluding they don't? Here's why.
The molecular structure of these proteins is too large to be absorbed topically.
If you put a collagen or elastin cream on your skin it will just sit there and not absorb at all.
75% of the collagen in your skin is in the dermis (the layer below the surface epidermis) and that's where it needs to go.
But it will just wash off when you wash your face.
There are also supplements in pill form on the market.
But while there is some evidence that this form of collagen can be good for other health issues, there isn't a shred of evidence that it gets to your skin if you eat it.
So, do collagen and elastin products work? Sadly no.
Besides collagen injections (which is a temporary option offered by cosmetic surgeons), the only way to raise the levels of elastin and collagen proteins in your skin is to stimulate your skin to do it itself.
There is a natural substance recently developed that does exactly that.
It's called Cynergy TK and it has been clinically proven to have a direct link to stimulating your skin to start making its own collagen and elastin.
And as we've already discussed, if you can get these proteins up to the levels you enjoyed in your twenties, you'll experience cellular rejuvenation and start to enjoy the look you had when you were young.
So now you know.
Do collagen and elastin products work? No - but only because they don't deliver these proteins to where they need to be.
I've done a lot of research to understand the aging process in skin - if you're interested in how to specifically reverse these aging processes please visit my website.
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