Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

Gluten Allergies, Celiac Disease and Dairy

Gluten is found in the protein of cereal grains.
It can be found in a wide variety of foods and some people have allergies to it.
Allergies to gluten are found in women more than men and tend to affect those of European descent.
Gluten allergies can cause eczema, skin rashes, itching and hives.
More severe sufferers may develop asthma.
Nearly 43 percent of gluten allergy sufferers who never seek treatment will get arthritis.
Fifteen percent who go on a gluten-free diet because of their allergies will get arthritis anyway.
Celiac, also known as Coeliac is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract that very often forms directly from an allergic reaction to gluten.
Its symptoms are similar to those of a regular gluten allergy, but it can also cause brain dysfunction, arthritis and inflammation of the lungs.
You might also notice a clay-colored greasy stool.
It is much more serious than the allergies it came from and must be guarded against.
Symptoms that gluten allergies have turned to Celiac are diarrhea, weight loss, iron deficiency, bloating, abdominal pain and malnutrition.
The latter is caused by a decreased ability to absorb essential nutrients like iron and vitamins K and D.
Celiac sufferers are at higher risk for esophagus, pharynx and small intestinal cancer.
Fibroid lung disease seems to occur at a higher rate in gluten allergy and Celiac sufferers.
The treatment for both gluten allergies and Celiac is avoidance of gluten.
There is no cure for any allergy.
One must simply avoid the allergen.
When doing so, it's a good idea to take some natural supplements to replace the nutrients you're missing in your gluten-free diet.
They'll help build your body back up to its normal, healthy state.
So what is a gluten-free diet?It's one in which you eat no food containing wheat, oats, barley or rye in any form whatsoever.
It can be difficult, but once you start finding alternatives to grains, you'll start feeling better quickly.
It's important to find other tasty foods in order to keep yourself away from those that will make you sick.
It's important to note that if you have been diagnosed with a gluten allergy, it's very likely you also are sensitive to dairy products.
Milk or dairy allergies are sensitivities to proteins found in cows' milk.
Most cows eat a lot of grain and perhaps a link can be inferred.
Milk allergy symptoms can occur within minutes or hours after consuming the dairy product.
They can be triggered by a very small amount of milk protein in the system.
Like gluten allergy symptoms they can be skin reactions, like swollen lips, tongue, mouth, face or throat.
They can also be digestive reactions, such as vomiting, stomach cramps or diarrhea.
Respiratory reactions can include a runny nose, sneezing, watery eyes or shortness of breath.
The needed nutrient in dairy products that must be replaced when embarking on a gluten- and dairy-free diet is primarily calcium.
Aside from natural supplements, increase your intake of calcium-rich foods like seafood, spinach, broccoli and salmon.
A gluten allergy is not the end of the world.
There are plenty of fresh, colorful and tasty foods that contain no grain or dairy.
But you must stay vigilant to keep your allergies from turning into something much worse.
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