Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Cancer Herbal Medicine & Cancer Nutrition: Supporting Immunity With Natural Medicines

By Belle McCaleb ND, RN, MSS-C, BSN - An Adelaide Nauturopath, Herbalist & Counsellor specializing in Cancer Support

Immunity is commonly lowered as a side effect of chemotherapy. This usually occurs due to drug-induced suppression of the bone marrow. Other immune effects can be mediated through the gut where the cells that regulate immune activity (T-regulatory cells) reside. Many chemotherapeutics impact the gut lining and may compromise systemic immunity via this mechanism. Luckily, there are several nutritional and herbal medicine approaches to maintaining immunity during cancer treatment.

Gut health can be optimized to support immunity - prebiotics and probiotics assist with maintaining white cell counts. Specifically Acidophillus stimulates phagocytic activity and Natural Killer Cell activity (specific white blood cells that kill cancer) and modulates the host immune system (Kaminogawa A et al, Modulation of immune functions by foods, Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 2004, 1(3)).

Glutamine helps restore the gut lining and increases the number and activity of lymphocytes (a type of immune cell). Specifically glutamine can decrease tumour growth by enhancing Natural Killer Cell activity and increasing neutrophil activation (Fahr et al, Glutamine enhances immunoregulation of tumor growth, JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 1994; 471-476).

Arabinogalactans boost lymphocyte number and activity both locally in the gut and throughout the body. (Kim LS et al Immunological activity of larch arabinogalactan and echinacea: a preliminary, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Altern Med Rev 2002; 7:138-49)

Nutrients such as zinc, selenium, betacarotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Omega 3 fatty acids can enhance antigen-specific antibody production, augment their proliferative response and promote phagocytic activity and NK cell activity (Kaminogawa A et al, Modulation of immune functions by foods, Evidence-based Complementary & Alternative Medicine, 2004, 1(3)).

Astragalus has been shown to have immunologic benefits by stimulating macrophage and natural killer cell activity and inhibiting T-helper cell type 2 cytokines. (McCulloch M et al Astragalus-Based Chinese Herbs and Platinum-Based Chemotherapy for Advanced Non€"Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Meta-Analysis of Randomized Trials Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 24, No 3 (January 20), 2006: pp. 419-430).

Echinacea has multiple immune stimulating effects including activating macrophages, natural killer cells, stimulate the secretion of cytokines (molecules involved in immune response). Echinacea can increase the number of white blood cells in the circulatory system, enhance phagocytosis and trigger the alternate complementary pathway. (Wang Chien-Wu et al, Genomics and proteomics of immune modulatory effects of a butanol fraction of Echinacea purpurea in human dendritic cells BMC Genomics 2008, 9:479doi:10.1186/1471-2164-9-479).

Ashwagandha has immunomodulatory effects including mobilization of macrophages, phagocytosis, and lysosomal enzymes. Ashwagandha can reduce cyclophosphamide induced immunosuppression and leukopenia . Ashwagandha also seems to increase bone marrow cell and white blood cell count in radiation-treated animals. Panax ginseng stimulates Natural-Killer Cell activity and possibly other immune-system activity. Coriolus versicolor increases white cell, natural killer cell, and antibody levels (Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database).

For cancer patients undergoing or recovering from treatment, support of the immune system is possible with specific cancer nutritional & herbal medicines. It is advisable to seek professional advice as there may be specific considerations and contraindications in your case.

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