Health & Medical Eye Health & Optical & Vision

Lasik Corrective Surgery - Remove Any Fears About Getting a Lasik Eye Procedure

Considering the idea of getting a Lasik eye surgery procedure done is a big deal and many times people are timid in asking the important questions that are going through their head.
  While the procedure is talked about frequently, it usually isn't discussed in a lot of detail and people have a tendency to be afraid of what they don't understand.
  I am going to discuss in this report some of the most common fears that people have, and also about what a vast majority of the people experience when they undergo a Lasik procedure.
The fear that most people have when they are considering a corrective surgery is whether there is going to be any pain throughout the procedure as well as after.
Since the patient is conscious when the procedure is being performed on them this is a highly understandable fear.
Before the surgeon even thinks about touching your eyes, he will apply numbing drops as well as give a mild sedative to the patients so they can relax and be comfortable throughout.
   You might feel a small pressure to your eye  which is common, but that is about it it really doesn't hurt much.
The cornea is reshaped during the procedure by the use of a laser.
A lot of people have the worry that the laser being shined right in their eyeball might make them look to the side and away from it, and end up with a really serious complication in their eyes from the laser beam effects.
The truth of it is though is that the laser beam is only used for a period of about 10 to 15 seconds per eye, and the machine has a system that tracks your eyeball so that the laser beam only works when your eye is in the right position.
Another fear that almost everybody has when they are contemplating going in for a procedure is the fear of the scalpel.
  Any Lasik procedure uses only a very small microkeratome blade to approach the eye, or some more recent Lasik innovations have the laser itself create the flap and avoid using any hard surface at all.
  If you are afraid of being hacked on by a scalpel you don't have to be afraid of one in this procedure as one is not used.
Many wonder about the horror stories they hear about this or any other operation, and wonder about serious consequences like going blind.
  Statistics taken by the government i.
the FDA, state that there aren't any reported cases of people becoming blind because of this surgery.
The facts are that the risk of any type of serious and permanent complication arising from this operation is less than 1%, and furthermore the risks of any type of permanent complication that isn't serious, such as halos, is lower than 3%.
  It is extremely rare for a patient to not have improved vision after a Lasik procedure.
If the thought of being awake and having your eyes open during the Lasik procedure bothers you, remember that you will be given a mild sedative for the procedure, and that your eyes will have numbing drops administered to them.
  If you're frightened by the thought of seeing a surgeon's hand approach your eyeball, take comfort in the fact that he is going to apply some drops to your eye that is going to black out your vision for a period of 10 or 15 seconds which is plenty of time to complete the procedure.
This introduction has hopefully addressed the most common fears about the Lasik procedure.
  If you have any thoughts about the benefits of having improved vision from a Lasik surgery, then make sure that you visit your local clinic and discuss what happens in the procedure in detail with the professionals there.
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