As we know good salaried people are also in search of extra money, extra pay. Having good salary is not sufficient in this high cost living society. Good salary pays are enough for running routine daily family expenses. If somebody wants to live with high standards and with some good luxury must have extra money.
In this matter, Internet revolutionary source has changed lives of so many people. Through internet people can search extra source of income. There are thousands of sites, programs, concepts ready to give you extra earnings for certain few efforts.
To find such sources visit any search engine just like Google, yahoo and type few keywords and as a result you will get thousands of sites. You can check these sites one by one and can find the best suitable job for you. Among these jobs you may find free jobs, chargeable jobs.
Before joining any sites I request you to check whether it is genuine or not. With great sorrow I confess that unfortunately there also some bad sites. But believe me all sites are not bads. These bad sites are also looking good promising sites and offering attractive extra money.
Now here is the one million dollar question is how to filter it and to get the best genuine site. So here I can help you at some extent. My dear friend I am involved with online work since last 4 to 5 years and according to my best knowledge and my experience I hope following tips may help you.
1. Free registration, free sign up is not the solution.
Yes free sign up is not the solution. This thing can save your direct money but what about your restless efforts, indirect expenses. So many times you are also spending some money at other sites for this free sign up sites.
I do not mean to say that free sites are bad. I want to say that free sign up or sites can also be bad or even can not be convenient for you.
2. Read FAQ
Before registrations always make a habit of reading F.A.Q. means frequently asked questions. So many times FAQ can also help you to understand the concept or to understand it is fake or true.
3 Terms and conditions
Some times sites are promising and genuine and in legal words not bad sites but certain terms and conditions are trickily mentioned.
For example get paid for email process. Now the email process does not mean that sending one mail you can earn few dollars but it means if some body gets registered via your sent mail you will be paid.
4. Support from the site
Find certain query and mail directly to the support email and if you get automated irrelevant mail then my dear friend there is some red alert.
5. Join Referred site
One of the best solution is to join the site in which somebody has already registered and getting money from that site.
In this matter, Internet revolutionary source has changed lives of so many people. Through internet people can search extra source of income. There are thousands of sites, programs, concepts ready to give you extra earnings for certain few efforts.
To find such sources visit any search engine just like Google, yahoo and type few keywords and as a result you will get thousands of sites. You can check these sites one by one and can find the best suitable job for you. Among these jobs you may find free jobs, chargeable jobs.
Before joining any sites I request you to check whether it is genuine or not. With great sorrow I confess that unfortunately there also some bad sites. But believe me all sites are not bads. These bad sites are also looking good promising sites and offering attractive extra money.
Now here is the one million dollar question is how to filter it and to get the best genuine site. So here I can help you at some extent. My dear friend I am involved with online work since last 4 to 5 years and according to my best knowledge and my experience I hope following tips may help you.
1. Free registration, free sign up is not the solution.
Yes free sign up is not the solution. This thing can save your direct money but what about your restless efforts, indirect expenses. So many times you are also spending some money at other sites for this free sign up sites.
I do not mean to say that free sites are bad. I want to say that free sign up or sites can also be bad or even can not be convenient for you.
2. Read FAQ
Before registrations always make a habit of reading F.A.Q. means frequently asked questions. So many times FAQ can also help you to understand the concept or to understand it is fake or true.
3 Terms and conditions
Some times sites are promising and genuine and in legal words not bad sites but certain terms and conditions are trickily mentioned.
For example get paid for email process. Now the email process does not mean that sending one mail you can earn few dollars but it means if some body gets registered via your sent mail you will be paid.
4. Support from the site
Find certain query and mail directly to the support email and if you get automated irrelevant mail then my dear friend there is some red alert.
5. Join Referred site
One of the best solution is to join the site in which somebody has already registered and getting money from that site.