- Rating an airline as unsafe depends on many factors, such as number of accidents, safety inspections, maintenance and care of the aircraft and qualified personnel. Some airlines are considered so unsafe that they are not allowed to fly into Europe. The United States bans airlines by the countries of their origin and the lack of safety procedures in that country. Airlines that fly in the United States and Europe have been rated by the number of accidents their aircraft have had.
- The United States bans airlines by the country of origin. This is because of poor safety procedures before the terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. In 1994, airlines from nine countries were banned from flying into the United States because those countries lacked qualified service technicians to properly care and maintain aircraft, according to The New York Times. Since 2001, the U.S. list has grown to 22 countries. Although concerns still include mechanical issues, the U.S. government believes screening for terrorists is nonexistent or at a minimum in these countries.
- In Europe the number of banned airlines has grown from 94 in 2006 to 233 in 2009. Unlike the United States, Europe bans specific airlines. Airlines are banned for poor mechanical service to their aircraft, along with safety issues for screening passengers and luggage. The five foreign airlines with the worst fatality records are Turkish Airlines, Indian Airlines, Lufthansa, All Nippon Airways and Air France, according to the Consumer Warning Network. Air China does not release statistics and could not be rated.
- In the United States, the 10 largest airlines were rated for number of accidents by the Daily Beast. Of those airlines, United had the most accidents, followed by Northwest, Delta, Continental, Alaska, American, US Airways, Southwest, Jet Blue and AirTran. Of 22 regional airlines in the United States, the Daily Beast said Midwest Airlines had the most accidents, followed by Mesa, PSA, Air Wisconsin and Mesaba.
Unsafe Airline Countries
Unsafe Foreign Airlines
Airlines in U.S. with Most Accidents