- 1). Insert your Wi-Fi-enabled game into the Wii console and check your Internet settings. Open the Wii Options and test your Internet connection. If you are using a LAN adaptor, make sure it is plugged in now.
- 2). Return to the Wii menu and select your game.
- 3). Select the online play mode. The icon may say "online" or "co-op" or have the Nintendo Wi-Fi Network logo on it.
- 4). Find your Friend Code and copy it down. This may be on the top of the Friend Roster, or listed somewhere on the screen. This 12-digit numerical code is specific to your Wii, and must be given to anyone you hope to connect to.
- 5). Exchange that code with friends, either through email, text or hand that code to your friends, or go to an online Video Game forum (such as the one listed in Resources) and meet new people. Record their friend codes.
- 1). Return to your Wii game's online mode, and open the Friend Roster, Friend Book or whichever system allows you to input Friend Codes.
- 2). Type in your friends' Friend Codes.
- 3). Start an online game with your friends. If you don't see them on your game, check that they have added your Friend Code as well. If they have not, you can play a few games with random, online players while you wait.
Finding Friend Codes
Connecting to Other Users