A common question among newish tax sale investors is "Where can I purchase property deeds without going to an auction?" It's understandable.
The tax auction is a brutal place for new investors, who almost never end up getting the deals they hoped for.
Luckily there's a really easy way purchase property deeds, and you can avoid the tax auction altogether.
It's extremely simple: purchase property deeds directly from their tax delinquent owners.
Easy, right? But there's a twist.
You need to wait until a precise point in the process to approach them: after the tax sale, and just before the redemption period is about to expire.
If you approach them before tax sale, you'll likely find lots of people who still intend to pay off their back taxes.
Many of them actually will end up redeeming.
But by waiting until after the tax sale you'll find a couple of things.
First, you can see what happened at the tax sale, i.
, which properties were bid up and which weren't bid on at all.
That'll tell you which ones are good to go after.
Second, all the owners that can redeem will have already, and the ones that are left are in the position of really needing to sell, and fast, in order to not lose everything.
This is a time when you'll be able to strike up a lot of profitable deals, and you'll find folks who just want to be done with the ordeal and are willing to sell you their deed for a few hundred bucks.
Another twist on tax sale investing allows you to make a lot of money from tax sale without owning property at all - collecting the overages.
When more is bid at tax sale than is owed in back taxes, the overage is generally held for the owner to collect.
However, they often miss notifications of this fact and move on, leaving the money behind.
After a short period, it's lost permanently to the government.
Due to a legal loophole, these funds aren't subject to government finder's fees caps.
That means you can find the funds, find the owners, and reunited the two for a 30-50% finder's fee.
With these overages ranging in the $5,000- $100,000 range, and the billions of dollars in overages sitting in the government's coffers AND being created in the current economy, you could easily make a six-figure full-time career out of just collecting overages.
Plus you get the added feel-good benefit of helping people not lose their money to the government.
The tax auction is a brutal place for new investors, who almost never end up getting the deals they hoped for.
Luckily there's a really easy way purchase property deeds, and you can avoid the tax auction altogether.
It's extremely simple: purchase property deeds directly from their tax delinquent owners.
Easy, right? But there's a twist.
You need to wait until a precise point in the process to approach them: after the tax sale, and just before the redemption period is about to expire.
If you approach them before tax sale, you'll likely find lots of people who still intend to pay off their back taxes.
Many of them actually will end up redeeming.
But by waiting until after the tax sale you'll find a couple of things.
First, you can see what happened at the tax sale, i.
, which properties were bid up and which weren't bid on at all.
That'll tell you which ones are good to go after.
Second, all the owners that can redeem will have already, and the ones that are left are in the position of really needing to sell, and fast, in order to not lose everything.
This is a time when you'll be able to strike up a lot of profitable deals, and you'll find folks who just want to be done with the ordeal and are willing to sell you their deed for a few hundred bucks.
Another twist on tax sale investing allows you to make a lot of money from tax sale without owning property at all - collecting the overages.
When more is bid at tax sale than is owed in back taxes, the overage is generally held for the owner to collect.
However, they often miss notifications of this fact and move on, leaving the money behind.
After a short period, it's lost permanently to the government.
Due to a legal loophole, these funds aren't subject to government finder's fees caps.
That means you can find the funds, find the owners, and reunited the two for a 30-50% finder's fee.
With these overages ranging in the $5,000- $100,000 range, and the billions of dollars in overages sitting in the government's coffers AND being created in the current economy, you could easily make a six-figure full-time career out of just collecting overages.
Plus you get the added feel-good benefit of helping people not lose their money to the government.