Do you know an amazing person in your life? Do you know a handicapped person - old or young? Has this person inspired you to achieve your goals in your life? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, read on.
I am going to tell you about a wonderful friend of mine named Emma.
I have actually adopted her as a mother.
She lives in her own mobile home and lives alone.
She has Macular Degeneration and this disease struck her in her early 60's.
She has a postage stamp view out of her eyes; she sees only at a distance and can not see anything up close.
This amazing lady lives alone, does her own laundry, cooks all her own meals, and even goes grocery shopping with her daughter.
She once told me she likes to pick out her own food.
She loves to go out for lunch and go clothes shopping.
She has a huge closet in her bedroom and it is jammed with clothes and shoes.
I do not know how she does it but when she dresses herself, her clothes are always neat, clean and match.
She loves to listen to books on tape.
These books are mailed to her from the Center For The Blind.
Emma belongs to a card club.
The women meet twice a week at each other's home.
Her mobile home is always neat and clean.
You never see anything out of place.
Her hair is always nicely cut and styled and she is too amazing for words.
I hope when I am 90 years old I can do half of what this amazing lady can do.
She has a great out look on life and I hope she lives forever.
Thank you for reading my article.
Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles.
Copyright 2006 Linda E.
I am going to tell you about a wonderful friend of mine named Emma.
I have actually adopted her as a mother.
She lives in her own mobile home and lives alone.
She has Macular Degeneration and this disease struck her in her early 60's.
She has a postage stamp view out of her eyes; she sees only at a distance and can not see anything up close.
This amazing lady lives alone, does her own laundry, cooks all her own meals, and even goes grocery shopping with her daughter.
She once told me she likes to pick out her own food.
She loves to go out for lunch and go clothes shopping.
She has a huge closet in her bedroom and it is jammed with clothes and shoes.
I do not know how she does it but when she dresses herself, her clothes are always neat, clean and match.
She loves to listen to books on tape.
These books are mailed to her from the Center For The Blind.
Emma belongs to a card club.
The women meet twice a week at each other's home.
Her mobile home is always neat and clean.
You never see anything out of place.
Her hair is always nicely cut and styled and she is too amazing for words.
I hope when I am 90 years old I can do half of what this amazing lady can do.
She has a great out look on life and I hope she lives forever.
Thank you for reading my article.
Please feel free to read any of my numerous articles.
Copyright 2006 Linda E.