Business & Finance Economics

What Can America Do to Get Past Our Current Credit Crisis?

Now that we have gotten past all of the hoopla about the inauguration and we have our new president, will he let our economy keep declining rapidly or will he institute the biggest fix in the history of the United States? I don't know if any president has ever come into office with the daunting tasks that Obama has in front of it but let's hope he can rise to the occasion during the 11th hour and bring our economy back to good health again.
The facts are very simple and hard to digest.
The latest report from the governments labor section said that we have lost more then half a million jobs in December of 2008 and if you thought we survived through one of the worst economic recessions in recent history you have not seen anything yet.
If you extend this report over 12 months you will see that we can still lose another 6 million jobs by the end of 2009.
What can our new president do to not only stop this trend but to reverse this? He is taking good positive step by investing back into America again.
His newest bailout proposes that we invest a massive amount to rebuild the foundation of what helped to make America so great during WW2 and that is rebuild our highway infrastructure.
Our major highways and roadways really need a massive overhaul because they haven't really been looked after in 60 years.
The massive amount of manpower needed to rebuild our highway system will take millions of people and put many Americans back to work again.
Will this be enough to get us past this economic downturn? In my opinion this still wont be enough.
We need to do something about the massive credit debt that so many American home owners have incurred during the last few years.
I think forgiving any negative mortgage debt will be a great way to kickstart the economy and to nurse the housing industry back to health.
Our government is bailing out so many huge institutions but the true machinery behind the American economy is the middle class and if you nurse the middle class back to normalized earnings then you get our great economy back .
People forget what turned us into the worlds number one economy and hopefully Obama will do his part in reminding them again.
The housing and credit markets are the keys to getting us back on the map again financially.
I'm personally glad China is doing so well but as an American I would rather see us as the ones lending the money out to other countries and not the ones who are allowing other countries to lend money to us.
Lets make America a strong economic country to live in again.
We can all do out part.
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