Health & Medical stomach,intestine & Digestive disease

Acid Reflux Revisited

There are many factors that can be said to be responsible for acid reflux indisposition.
Aside from alcohol, the intake of too much salt is also one of the causes of the disease.
Caffeine and spices are also responsible for its aggravation.
Researchers had found out that the lifestyle of the sufferers plays an important factor whether the disease can be controlled or not.
They also found out that extra table salt increases the risk of having acid reflux by 70%.
It is alarming to know that extra table salt can have a more damaging effect on our health than alcohol or caffeine.
Studies shown at other medico-research establishments around the world had produced the same results.
Many sufferers of this disease have painful and recurrent symptoms.
Persistent symptoms of heartburn of at least three times per week need medical attention.
A physician should be consulted at once before the disease becomes more intolerable.
It is interesting to know that acid reflux sufferers may not suffer from heartburn.
However, having a heartburn does not mean that it could not develop into acid reflux.
Normally heartburn is felt after a heavy meal as well as when one bends down or lies flat on the back.
It can be just a burning and fiery sensation that starts from the upper part of the abdomen to the back of the breastbone.
It is felt in the chest and radiates towards the whole part of the upper abdomen up to the throat.
Consequently, the person experiences some sourish taste in his/her mouth.
This burning sensation makes the sufferer more and more anxious and at a loss sometimes.
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