Business & Finance: How Much Can a Person Withdraw From a Bank Account in One Transaction?

How Much Can a Person Withdraw From a Bank Account in One Transaction?

Securing a bank account is a safe method of keeping track of your spending or savings each month. Many account holders are assigned ATM debit cards that allow them the convenience of access to their money after the bank is closed. However, there are limitations on how much money you may access in a

Business & Finance: All About Trading with Forex

All About Trading with Forex

Trading with Forex is all about dealing with many currencies of different countries. Forex includes foreign exchange which deals with the trade of the currency. There are many brokers available to help you to get ...

Business & Finance: Minnesota Energy Assistance Programs

Minnesota Energy Assistance Programs

The State of Minnesota offers two programs to help state residents handle their winter heating bills. One of the programs, the Energy Assistance Program, helps to pay the cost of heating a home. The Weatherization Assistance Program works with the homeowner to correct hazards within the home and any

Business & Finance: Ohio Law on Tortious Interference With Expectancy of Inheritance

Ohio Law on Tortious Interference With Expectancy of Inheritance

The concept of tortious interference with the expectancy of an inheritance is relatively recent in United States law. Some states recognize it, and others do not. Ohio first confirmed its position in a case that went to the United States Court of Appeals in 1993: Firestone v. Galbreath. The landmark

Business & Finance: How Long Should Old Accounts Stay on a Credit Report?

How Long Should Old Accounts Stay on a Credit Report?

Check your credit report at least once a 3d sign image by from Fotolia.comSeven YearsUnder the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), negative items remain on a credit report for seven years. This applies to late payments, collection accounts, late pays,...

Business & Finance: How to Update Addresses With the Three Credit Bureaus

How to Update Addresses With the Three Credit Bureaus

According to the FTC, more than 9 million people are affected by identity theft in America. Having an up-to-date address on all of your credit reports can protect you against any form of identity theft. Follow these steps to update your address through the credit bureaus.

Business & Finance: Illinois Unemployment Assistance

Illinois Unemployment Assistance

If you are a resident of Illinois and get laid off from your job through no fault of your own, you can apply for unemployment assistance with the Illinois Department of Employment Security, IDES. In 2010, the Illinois labor force included 6.6 million people, according to IDES. That year, 10.3 percen

Business & Finance: Why Have a Personal Retirement Plan?

Why Have a Personal Retirement Plan?

Whether you just started your working career or are already looking forward to retirement, you need to prepare carefully. From disappearing pensions and uncertainty over government benefits to the potential tax savings available to workers, you have numerous reasons to take charge of your own retire

Business & Finance: Kentucky Electrical Lineman Salary

Kentucky Electrical Lineman Salary

Most electrical line installers and repairers, traditionally called linemen, work for electric power generation, transmission and distribution companies, along with utility system construction firms and local government agencies, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS adds that el

Business & Finance: Family Trust Planning Guide

Family Trust Planning Guide

A family trust, also known as a discretionary family trust, is a living trust set up by a grantor to gift real estate and other high-value assets to children and future generations of a family group. The trust grantor must appoint a trustee -- usually a family member -- to manage the trust and distr

Business & Finance: Grade Restrictions for Financial Aid

Grade Restrictions for Financial Aid

Colleges have policies in place that determine whether a student is eligible to renew his financial aid for an upcoming semester or school year. Students must often meet minimum grade point averages when they apply for scholarships and grants as well. Federal financial aid is also contingent on a st

Business & Finance: Student Grants for College Education

Student Grants for College Education

Students who are planning to attend college can be inundated with the multitude of college grants, scholarships and student loans that a financial package may comprise. While the choices can be daunting, the most widely used student grants for a college education can be narrowed down to government i

Business & Finance: How to Receive an Approval for SSDI

How to Receive an Approval for SSDI

Ninety-nine percent of people who apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) will be denied during the first round of the process. While a small percentage of those who apply truly do not need to receive these benefits, many who apply do. The bad news is that the government doesn't like t

Business & Finance: How to Find Retirement Funds

How to Find Retirement Funds

Saving and planning for a comfortable retirement is important, but it can be difficult to find the right funds and to find the money to put aside. Taking a step-by-step approach to budgeting for your retirement needs, and finding the best funds to grow your nest egg, is one of the best ways to get t

Business & Finance: What to Expect in Probate Court for an Estate

What to Expect in Probate Court for an Estate

Probate courts do many things. Typically, probate courts distribute property after an executor/custodian admits a deceased person's will to the court. A probate court will decide whether the will is valid by making sure it complies with the formalities given in the particular state's probate code wh

Business & Finance: Houston Stem Scholarships

Houston Stem Scholarships

The term "STEM" refers to the subjects of science, technology, engineering and math. Several colleges and universities in the Houston area offer STEM scholarship programs to help support attending students who are pursuing degrees in technological fields of study. STEM scholarship programs specifica

Business & Finance: Does the Surviving Spouse Get Paid on a Fixed Annuity?

Does the Surviving Spouse Get Paid on a Fixed Annuity?

Annuities are financial products that guarantee an income to you for a lifetime, or for a set period of time. The exact nature of the payment period is a decision which you and the insurance company agree on together when the contract is purchased. A fixed annuity is one particular type of annuity a

Business & Finance: Roth IRA Age Requirements in Illinois

Roth IRA Age Requirements in Illinois

Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs) are a popular way to save for retirement. IRAs offer numerous tax advantages as a way to encourage people to save for their own retirement. However, these tax advantages do come with plenty of rules and regulations from the IRS. Since IRAs are governed by fe

Business & Finance: How Often Does a Prime Interest Rate Adjust?

How Often Does a Prime Interest Rate Adjust?

The prime rate is an interest rate index used by banks and lending institutions as a base rate for adjustable rate loan products. Home equity line of credit loans and credit card rates can be tied to the prime rate. Most banks use the national prime rate, which is published in the "Wall Street Journ

Business & Finance: How to Tell How Much Scrap Gold Is Worth

How to Tell How Much Scrap Gold Is Worth

Determining the worth of scrap gold a straightforward quantitative process. The value of a scrap-gold item depends on it weight, the purity of the gold, and the spot price of gold at time of sale. These figures are simple to find and easy to calculate. The scrap gold can then be sold to a gold refin