Home & Garden: Clocks For the Beginning Collector

Clocks For the Beginning Collector

For many of us, the use of clocks in our lives are purely functional. We glance at them quickly as we check the time, and then never give them another second thought. For those who can see the beauty within a clock, they become a hobby, entertainment, and a collection that may become an investment.

Home & Garden: Origin-Of-Theater-Arts


The early man as a means of interaction, to express their inner thoughts and a means to recording events, discovered arts. The ancient caves; monuments and scripts preserved in the museums bear witnes

Home & Garden: Donruss Studio Baseball

Donruss Studio Baseball

The innovative, throwback photography coupled with the high-gloss card stock, created quite a stir amongst the hobby elite. Fast-forward 11 years and that same aura is stashed inside every pack of 2003 Donruss Studio.

Home & Garden: The Art of Sandblasting and Its Artistic Design

The Art of Sandblasting and Its Artistic Design

Taking a stone and creating a 3D piece of artwork and using for either advertisements for large events or businesses or just beautiful work to admire. Creating signs is an art no matter whether it is made of wood plastic or if it is sandblasted in stencil and created in a 3D format.

Home & Garden: How To Avoid Buying Fake Autographs

How To Avoid Buying Fake Autographs

If, like me, you love collecting autographs, you'll know the frustration of fakes. This article will help you find the genuine ones.

Home & Garden: Wall Decor Project: Easy Inexpensive Closet Flowers

Wall Decor Project: Easy Inexpensive Closet Flowers

For less than ten dollars, you can enhance the appearance of your closet with this simple project. It will add a nice dimensional touch to a boring, blank space in only 20 minutes!

Home & Garden: The Joy of Kite Flying

The Joy of Kite Flying

A mini history of kites and man's fascination with flying.Kites have influenced our lives in interesting ways.

Home & Garden: Leder Oder Plastik?

Leder Oder Plastik?

Wer eine heutzutage Tasche für Seine Hefte, Bücher, Akten, usw. sucht, hat es bei der leicht Auswahl micht. Eine Vielzahl von Farben, Formen, Materialen macht Preisen und die Entscheidung schwer äußerst.

Home & Garden: Tips and Information on Afghan Crochet Patterns

Tips and Information on Afghan Crochet Patterns

It is an exciting stage in sewing when you start to assemble the pieces, and then, the shape of the material begins to emerge. However, the gratification is not fully recognized not until the person, who tries to come up with a masterpiece, was able to claim that what he did was something that he di

Home & Garden: Christmas Ornaments for Everyone

Christmas Ornaments for Everyone

My theory has been there is always a cookie jar or a Christmas ornament to suit everyone's personality or hobby. Here's my pick for ornaments for fellow Guides on About.com

Home & Garden: How to Identify Vintage Automatic Transmissions

How to Identify Vintage Automatic Transmissions

If you are a vintage car enthusiast who loves to rebuild engines as well as bodies, you may be interested in finding vintage automatic transmissions. These can be found online or if you are adventurous, at auto parts dealerships. Before spending money on an old automatic transmission that doesn't su

Home & Garden: Befriending the Birds

Befriending the Birds

If the thought of feeding wild birds from your own palm conjures up images of certain animated movies, you may be interested to know that hand feeding birds is not reserved for cartoon characters. Most backyard birds are just waiting for an invitation to a feast that you can easily prepare in the pa

Home & Garden: Treasure Hunting For Tourmaline

Treasure Hunting For Tourmaline

According to Egyptian legend tourmaline gets it color when it passes over a rainbow on its journey up from the center of the earth and that is why it is often referred as the gemstone of the rainbow.Multicolored and bi-colored tourmaline are the norm and very rarely found in the clear or colorless f