Health & Medical: What Are the Causes of Rectal Bleeding?

What Are the Causes of Rectal Bleeding?

There are many causes of rectal bleeding. The most common cause is hemorrhoids. Other causes include fissures, complications from diverticulosis, proctitis, colitis, and rectal cancer. Since there are many different potential causes you should see your doctor when you are having rectal bleeding. Alt

Health & Medical: Some Useful Information For Heartburn Sufferers

Some Useful Information For Heartburn Sufferers

Although heartburn is usually not a life threatening condition, it is definitely a nuisance. For some people, they only experience a heartburn attack once in a blue moon and their conditions are usually quite mild. Therefore they are usually not so bothered by it. Their lifestyle is usually not affe

Health & Medical: Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure

Is acute-on-chronic liver failure its own clinical entity, and how is it different from other forms of liver failure?

Health & Medical: 8 Ways to Treat GERD

8 Ways to Treat GERD

Depending on how severe your GERD is, treatment may involve one or more of the following lifestyle changes and medications or surgery.

Health & Medical: How to Cure Acid Reflux at Home

How to Cure Acid Reflux at Home

Acid reflux is not just uncomfortable, it's downright deadly. If left untreated it can lead to permanent damage of the esophagus and even cancer. While a doctor's visit may be in order, you can also treat this condition at home if you follow these simple tips.

Health & Medical: How Do I Know If I Am Spitting Up Bile or If it Is Acid Reflux?

How Do I Know If I Am Spitting Up Bile or If it Is Acid Reflux?

The symptoms of heartburn, such as a burning sensation in the throat or pain in the upper abdomen, are commonly caused by acid reflux, where acids escape the stomach and are regurgitated through the esophagus. Less common is bile reflux, where fluids produced by the liver are released into the upper

Health & Medical: What Are the Foods to Avoid to Control Acid Reflux?

What Are the Foods to Avoid to Control Acid Reflux?

Symptoms of acid reflux can be painful and debilitating. However, this kind of condition can be improved by consuming the kind of food that you should eat and avoiding those that you must not consume.

Health & Medical: Effect of Azathioprine Intolerance on Outcomes of IBD

Effect of Azathioprine Intolerance on Outcomes of IBD

Azathioprine is well established for the maintenance of remission in IBD; however, many patients are intolerant to it. Is intolerance a marker of poor prognosis for them? This new study takes a look.

Health & Medical: Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Cardiac Patients

Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Cardiac Patients

As more older patients seek treatment for cardiovascular disease, how likely are they to develop gastrointestinal bleeding, and how can they be most effectively managed?

Health & Medical: Simple Remedies for Acid Reflux

Simple Remedies for Acid Reflux

Acid reflux can wake you from a sound sleep with a horrible rush of burning acid in the back of your mouth and throat. This can leave you feeling scared and breathless, not to mention wreaking havoc with your sleeping schedule, as some sufferers cannot get back to sleep afterward. There are simple r

Health & Medical: How to Tube Feed Calves

How to Tube Feed Calves

Normally, a newborn calf will instinctively nurse from its mother soon after birth. But what happens if the calf is unable to nurse as it should? It is vital that a newborn calf receives colostrum, the first milk produced by its mother. This liquid delivers important antibodies and a large amount of

Health & Medical: Enteral Feeding

Enteral Feeding

Enteral nutrition is now widely used as the preferred route of nutritional support in malnourished and intensive care unit patients.