Hip fractures -- prevention
Covering cement or wood floors with carpeting may dramatically reduce the risk of hip fractures among the elderly.
Covering cement or wood floors with carpeting may dramatically reduce the risk of hip fractures among the elderly.
In this report, a new minimally invasive technique for lumbar infectious spondylitis is described. Is this approach an effective alternative to open surgery?
Forestier disease, also called diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH), is a type of degenerative arthritis. It usually affects the upper back on the right side of the spine but may also affect the neck, lower back, shoulders, hips, arms and legs.
Cellulite is the term given to deposits of fat pushed up under the skin to give it a dimpled or puckered appearance. Factors such as genetics, gender, your weight and age, and the thickness of your skin all influence how much cellulite you have and how much of it is noticeable. There is no one diet
Joint inflammation and pain, at its most severe, can cause people to become disabled. There are many types of joint inflammation, including arthritis and tendinitis. Joint inflammation primarily affects the fingers, wrists, back vertebrae, knees, elbows, hips and shoulders. Treatment for joint infl
If there is one thing that all people with nail fungus agree on is that it is embarrassing. While everyone is enjoying the summer months with open shoes or flip flops a person with nail fungus opts for wearing sneakers and even to wearing socks with sandals..
Knowledge about rotator cuff injuries dates to 1834, when this injury was described as a "rupture of the rotator cuff tendon." The work of other authors has since led to a better characterization of this degenerative condition.
Etiology of chronic plantar heel pain is poorly understood due to apparent heterogeneity in the conditions grouped together as CPHP. Which causative factors are associated with greater risk for CPHP?
Range of motionstretching image by Steve Lovegrove from Fotolia.comRange of motion is a term used in physical therapy to measure the movement capacity of a joint. According to the Merck Manual, there are 13 different types of range of motion measurements made in physical therapy....
Lower back pain caused by sciatica fades away on its own for most patients who experience it. If time does not help you, your doctor can offer other forms of treatment, including surgery and shots of medication.
The use of magnetic therapy for pain relief has seen an increase the last 20 years. Magnetic therapy is a natural way to restore energy and alleviate painful symptoms in areas such as the legs. Leg cramps are especially painful and the use of magnets may reduce inflammation and pain. Magnets are pla
When an individual hurts a muscle, there are several different grades that a doctor uses to define the injury. These different grade categories regarding a muscle sprain help determine treatment and rehabilitation.
The FDA today said it sees no proof that the bone drugs called bisphosphonates are linked to a heart rhythm problem called atrial fibrillation.
No matter how young you are, as soon as you have miscalculated a step or two then your foot pain walking problems will surely present themselves. There are also times when severe pain, especially at the ankle joint, is brought about by wearing impossibly high heels for a considerable period.
Red blood cells are produced in bone marrow. Bone pain (i.e., hip pain) can occur when the bones produce too many red blood cells and the blood has a difficult time moving through blood vessels. According to EMedicineHealth, "hemoglobin levels greater than 16.5 g/dL (grams per deciliter) in women an
Treatment of heel spurs can be a difficult problem. Non-surgical treatments are always attempted. Treatments include shoe inserts, splints, and medications. If these treatments do not relieve the pain, should the heel spur be removed?
If you have ever had experienced bunions, you know how painful they can be. After all, you can't expect the unusual enlargement of a joint at the bottom of the big toe to feel like a walk in the park. Inflammation is the cause of the condition and typically pressure and pain from footwear that
Plantar warts may be found on the soles of your feet or on your toes. They are caused by the highly contagious human papillomavirus which can be found in moist or wet public walking areas. Precautions, such as wearing sandals in public beach and shower areas, and immediate treatment with salicylic a
Pregnant women are at an elevated risk of developing serious foot problems, including plantar fasciitis. Here are a few home treatment options an experienced podiatrist might recommend to help with foot discomfort and pain.
A Walking Boot or "Cam Walker" as some doctors referred them to, are specialized rigid devices that immobilize the ankle and foot following trauma or surgery. These walking boots are used instead of plaster or fiberglass casting. They offer many advantages over casting, and have become wid