Health & Medical: How Is a Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Replacement Done?

How Is a Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Replacement Done?

Defining Minimally Invasive Heart Valve ReplacementFor approximately 40 years, open heart surgery has relied on a large, 6- to 8-inch long incision made down the center of the breastbone. This traditional method allowed the surgeon easy access to all areas of the heart, but it also meant...

Health & Medical: Preventing Strokes: Stents vs. Surgery

Preventing Strokes: Stents vs. Surgery

A less invasive alternative to surgery for clearing neck arteries of plaque proved as effective as surgical treatment for preventing strokes in high-risk patients in a three-year follow-up study.

Health & Medical: Neurofibrillary Tangles

Neurofibrillary Tangles

Neurofibrillary tangles help us in distinguishing Alzheimer disease from other types of dementia. Learn the definition of Neurofibrillary tangles.

Health & Medical: The Basics About Fibrates

The Basics About Fibrates

Fibrates, also known as fibric acid derivatives, are cholesterol lowering drugs.

Health & Medical: Problems With Stents

Problems With Stents

Stents bypass blockages in your cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systemsheart image by jim from Fotolia.comA stent is a medical device that can be inserted inside the body to bypass normal vessels in the body such as veins, arteries, and other passages. Stents allow the free...

Health & Medical: What Is Considered a Good Cholesterol Level?

What Is Considered a Good Cholesterol Level?

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels is critical in preventing heart disease and hardening of the arteries. A simple blood test will determine whether cholesterol levels are within a healthy range.

Health & Medical: Low Cholesterol Diets for Seniors

Low Cholesterol Diets for Seniors

As researchers perform more and more studies on the effects of cholesterol, the issue continues to reveal its complexity. For instance, seniors need to take smoking, obesity and inactivity into consideration when determining their optimum cholesterol levels. Moreover, while the American Heart Associ

Health & Medical: Back to Work After a Stroke

Back to Work After a Stroke

Going back to work after a stroke can be a confusing and stressful decision. Some workplace modifications can help with re-adjusting to work after a stroke.

Health & Medical: The Safety of Orajel

The Safety of Orajel

Orajel products are leading over-the-counter pain relievers to help dull teething pain, sore throats, denture pain, toothaches, and cold sores. The active ingredient, benzocaine, is safe when used according to the package directions.

Health & Medical: Tracking Dementia in Parkinson's Disease

Tracking Dementia in Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease patients with dementia can lose their mental abilities at almost the same rate as people with Alzheimer's disease, say Norwegian researchers.

Health & Medical: What Are Cholesterol Rings?

What Are Cholesterol Rings?

A cholesterol ring is seen in the eye when a person's bad cholesterol increases and good cholesterol decreases. The ring is an indicator of high cholesterol, which is a preliminary sign of future heart disease.

Health & Medical: What Are the Best Ways to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs?

What Are the Best Ways to Lower Cholesterol Without Drugs?

High cholesterol can be caused by eating fast foods, smoking, consuming too much whole milk or dairy, indulging in fatty meats---pork, bacon and even steak---and not getting enough exercise. While most people realize they have high cholesterol after visiting the doctor, others find out the hard way