Insurance: When Does a Bank Issue a Notice of Default?

When Does a Bank Issue a Notice of Default?

When borrowers fall behind on their mortgage payments, lenders begin taking steps to collect the past-due balances and try and bring the loan current. If the loan continues in a delinquent status, the lender can take more concrete legal action, including the issuance of a Notice of Default. The time

Insurance: History of 30-Year Fixed Rates

History of 30-Year Fixed Rates

The 30-year fixed-rate mortgage is the most common form of home mortgage used in the U.S. The interest rate for mortgages has changed over the years with changes in overall interest rates and economic conditions. The real estate market collapse of 2006-2009 led to record low mortgage rates. History

Insurance: How Does a Mortgage Lender Determine If a Home Requires Flood Insurance?

How Does a Mortgage Lender Determine If a Home Requires Flood Insurance?

According to FEMA, one of the bigger misconceptions about homeowner's insurance is that it covers flood damage. In reality, very few standard homeowner's insurance policies cover flood damage, and it is up to the homeowner, and in some cases the lender, to purchase and maintain the flood insurance

Insurance: Mortgage- New Appraisal Reform Bill

Mortgage- New Appraisal Reform Bill

It seems daily we are getting news flashes about another Mortgage Changes [] either from FHA/HUD, Fannie or Freddie. Now it is the Federal Government with a massive change about the mortgage appraisal proc

Insurance: FTB Mortgage Advice

FTB Mortgage Advice

Essential Tips For Those Considering A Real Estate Purchase If you have finally found a home that you want to call your own, it's time to go ahead and make an offer. Buying a home ...

Insurance: How Are Mortgage Rate Points Calculated?

How Are Mortgage Rate Points Calculated?

Mortgage points offer borrowers the opportunity to pay extra costs at the start of the mortgage to reduce the interest rate on the mortgage. These costs add to the amount you have to pay when you take out the mortgage.

Insurance: California Home Mortgage Loan – Many Lenders

California Home Mortgage Loan – Many Lenders

Owning a home is something many people strive for. Purchasing a home is not like going to the store and buying a shirt or a pair of socks. A home is a large purchase and there are many steps involved

Insurance: Manufactured Home Finance Options

Manufactured Home Finance Options

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the large amount of different manufactured home finance options then you are not alone. Deciding which choice will work best for your financial situation takes some time, patience, and ...

Insurance: Can I Refinance My Mortgage Without an Inspection?

Can I Refinance My Mortgage Without an Inspection?

When refinancing your home mortgage, you need to know whether some expenses, such as appraisal, inspections or title fees, can be eliminated. In preparation for a conversation with your lender, it will be helpful to understand the different types of inspections that might be involved based on your p

Insurance: Improve Loan Value When You Remortgage

Improve Loan Value When You Remortgage

Large money savings can be made every year and value added with a timely remortgage.Before a deal is struck, one should consider the potential costs and benefits before you remortgage.

Insurance: Are Upfront FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Prepaid?

Are Upfront FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums Prepaid?

Anytime a borrower gets a single mortgage loan for more than 80 percent of the purchase price or appraised value of a home, he is subject to mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance is a policy that protects the lender from losses if the borrower defaults on the mortgage. Borrowers pay for this policy

Insurance: How to Calculate Mortgage Deductions

How to Calculate Mortgage Deductions

The Internal Revenue Service allows people to deduct the interest they pay on their home mortgage, but only up to a point. To prevent the tax break from unfairly benefiting the wealthy who have larger mortgages, the IRS caps the tax deduction at the interest on the first $1 million ($500,000 if marr

Insurance: How Do Mortgage Payments & Forbearance Work?

How Do Mortgage Payments & Forbearance Work?

Overview of MortgagesA mortgage is the transfer of property from a property owner to a lender in exchange for a loan. Technically, a mortgage is not debt but rather an interest in property that is used to secure debt. A lender will loan money to a borrower with the understanding that the...

Insurance: The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

The Emergency Farm Mortgage Act

In 1916, Congress established Federal Land Banks and National Farm Loan Associations, which provided long-term credit to farmers to enable expansion of their farms. The system worked well until end of World War I, when demand for farmers' goods dropped, as did commodity prices. Farmers couldn't make