Business & Finance: Fun Ideas for Call Center Training

Fun Ideas for Call Center Training

Working at a call center isn't exactly a day at the beach, but contests can make it more enjoyable.phone_call image by from Fotolia.comImproving performance in a call center is an ongoing process. Employees can learn the skills needed during training, but once they are on...

Business & Finance: Client Servicing Job Description

Client Servicing Job Description

Client servicing occupations are employed by investment or mortgage services organizations. These occupations assist clients who have questions regarding their services.

Business & Finance: How to Clarify a Criminal Record to a Potential Employer

How to Clarify a Criminal Record to a Potential Employer

With millions of Americans experiencing incarceration, employers are faced with growing numbers of applicants with a criminal record. Any admission of a criminal conviction is often swift grounds for disqualification. Knowing what employers can ask will help an ex-offender improve their position, de

Business & Finance: The Definition of Insubordination in an Employee

The Definition of Insubordination in an Employee

One of the biggest employee issues a manager has to deal with is insubordination. Insubordination in your ranks can decimate morale and destroy the operations of the business. A good manager needs to be able to recognize what insubordination is and deal with it quickly before it begins to infect the

Business & Finance: fox away

fox away

Glossary of United States Military words and phrases -- fox away

Business & Finance: Become A Police Officer: The Training

Become A Police Officer: The Training

Your training as a Police Recruit will consist of physical training, firearms training, "come along" tactics, unarmed defensive training, use of non lethal weapons such as mace or pepper spray and electronic devices such as tasers and stun guns and the use of deadly weapons other than fire

Business & Finance: Why Hunt For Oil Drilling Rig Jobs?

Why Hunt For Oil Drilling Rig Jobs?

Oil drilling rig jobs are not for the weak or faint at heart. These are jobs that can only be done by those with strength and courage. Work on offshore oil rigs is difficult with long hours, made dang

Business & Finance: 3 Tricks of Changing The Oil

3 Tricks of Changing The Oil

Most of the people never understand how to vary the oil of their car or truck. The great foundation about understanding the way to adjust the oil in your car or truck is permitting you ...

Business & Finance: Employee Benefit Gift Ideas

Employee Benefit Gift Ideas

Personal electronics make useful company gifts for both parties.musique image by Christophe Schmid from Fotolia.comBoost employee morale by giving gifts to employees. Practical employers can seek out gifts that will make the employee happy while providing a tool that will also boost...

Business & Finance: How to Adapt at a New Job

How to Adapt at a New Job

First week at your new job is supposed to be exciting: the beginning of the next adventure in your career! We look forward to your new job, to do something different and maybe even change the area in which you work.

Business & Finance: How to make extra money online

How to make extra money online

Everyone could always use a little extra cash each month, especially with the gas prices soaring to record highs every day. I have been on Ehow since February 2008 and have been inspired to find legitimate ways to make extra money and share that knowledge with everyone. I will continue to update t

Business & Finance: It Is Legal to Terminate an Employee Under Medical Care?

It Is Legal to Terminate an Employee Under Medical Care?

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 provides 12 weeks of unpaid leave to employees with qualifying conditions who work for a covered employer. Qualified employees on leave are able to return to their same positions without penalty in most cases. Employees who are not covered by FMLA either beca

Business & Finance: Good Office Safety

Good Office Safety

Many people wouldn't think that offices are dangerous, but accidents do happen. It is very important to establish and follow good safety rules and regulations to prevent injuries.

Business & Finance: Resume Keywords That Hurt You

Resume Keywords That Hurt You

Lazy resume and personal profile writing that utilizes tired buzzwords and cliches are bound to turn most readers against you. Avoid these buzzwords and phrases, in writing and in interviews.

Business & Finance: Reasons to Wear Safety Vests

Reasons to Wear Safety Vests

Safety vests are essential for many jobs, especially for those working in high-traffic areas.flagman - road work safety image by Stephen Jacoby from Fotolia.comSafety vests are made out of reflective material and are manufactured in a variety of bright colors. Worn by road workers, road...

Business & Finance: Corporate Incentive Programs

Corporate Incentive Programs

After procuring and training employees, maintaining and utilizing them effectively in the organization is the concern of management and personnel administration. In doing this, both the employee and management should be satisfied. The management cannot satisfy and utilize the skill of an employee ef

Business & Finance: How to Do Well During a Telephone Interview

How to Do Well During a Telephone Interview

In addition to all the challenges presented by any normal interview, telephone interviews have their own extra problems you need to look out for. If you have never been on a telephone interview before, it's easy to forget some of the differences between that and a normal interview. Read on to f

Business & Finance: What Do You Do If Your Workers' Comp Claim Adjuster Won't Pay You?

What Do You Do If Your Workers' Comp Claim Adjuster Won't Pay You?

Once a claims examiner accepts a workers' compensation claim, the clock starts ticking. From the date you tell your employer of the injury, the claim examiner has specific deadlines she must meet in order to comply with state workers' compensation laws. While laws vary by state, enough similarities