Symptoms of enlarged prostate problems can make your life like a living hell.
Imagine this: One day you go about your routine and start noticing you have to pee a little more than usual.
Maybe instead of going every few hours, you have to go every hour.
Over the next few weeks it gets even worse -- you find yourself feeling like you have to go every 30 minutes or so.
Yet, when you get to the toilet, nothing comes out.
You stand there, feet shuffling, waiting for something to come out for minutes before a weak stream trickles out.
And when you're done, you don't really feel like you're "done" at all.
In fact, it feels like your bladder still has more to go, but nothing else comes out.
And you go through this routine all day -- constantly feeling like you have to go pee, but only a trickle comes out.
Then comes night time.
This is even worse than during the day -- as you lay there awake for the majority of the night, feeling like you have to go.
Then you get up, trickle a little urine out and try to go back to bed, only to be awakened an hour later with the same strong urge to have to urinate, with nothing really coming out.
And, to make matters worse...
your sex life is in the dumpster.
Your wife is getting impatient, your boss is getting mad because your work performance is down since you don't get much sleep, and nothing you do seems to help.
Anyway, these are some of the symptoms of enlarged prostate problems.
If you feel them, treat them immediately, as they only get worse from there.
Imagine this: One day you go about your routine and start noticing you have to pee a little more than usual.
Maybe instead of going every few hours, you have to go every hour.
Over the next few weeks it gets even worse -- you find yourself feeling like you have to go every 30 minutes or so.
Yet, when you get to the toilet, nothing comes out.
You stand there, feet shuffling, waiting for something to come out for minutes before a weak stream trickles out.
And when you're done, you don't really feel like you're "done" at all.
In fact, it feels like your bladder still has more to go, but nothing else comes out.
And you go through this routine all day -- constantly feeling like you have to go pee, but only a trickle comes out.
Then comes night time.
This is even worse than during the day -- as you lay there awake for the majority of the night, feeling like you have to go.
Then you get up, trickle a little urine out and try to go back to bed, only to be awakened an hour later with the same strong urge to have to urinate, with nothing really coming out.
And, to make matters worse...
your sex life is in the dumpster.
Your wife is getting impatient, your boss is getting mad because your work performance is down since you don't get much sleep, and nothing you do seems to help.
Anyway, these are some of the symptoms of enlarged prostate problems.
If you feel them, treat them immediately, as they only get worse from there.