Health & Medical Men's Health

6 Amazing Things Training Your PC Muscle Will Give You - You Will Turn Into a Sexual God!

Studies show that only 1 out of 10,000 men are aware of the fact that there are exercises / training routines they can perform in order to get much better in bed.
The fact remains that being a monster in bed doesn't come naturally to anyone - you must exercise and get it yourself.
So, it's no wonder it's only those men (the men who are aware of the exercises) who perform like a machine in bed and keep their partners begging for more.
Simply knowing about these exercises will put you above 99.
9% of men, so read this carefully.
The most important male muscle is the Pubococcygeus muscle (PC Muscle).
This muscle controls nearly everything important when it comes to sexuality: The time of your ejaculation, the strength of your ejaculation and the strength of your erections.
The muscle is the muscle between your testicles and your anus, and is the muscle you use to stop urinating mid flow.
Like any other muscle, PC muscle can be strengthened by proper exercises.
Strengthening your PC muscle will also give you much greater control over it, improving your sexual performance on innumerable aspects: 1-) Lasting as much as you want: By having complete control over the muscle that makes you ejaculate, you can last as much as you want.
2-) Erection time and 3-) firmness: Again by having the control over the muscle, you can get an erection even after having sex 3-4 times, and will still be firm as a rock.
4-) Penile looks: Your penis shaft will look a lot more muscular (and vascular)...
making your penis look much more POWERFUL.
5-) Penis size: By boosting the blood circulation, there will be more blood in your penis, leading to much better sensations, a healthier penis, and a thicker and longer penis 6-) Possibly saving your life: Men who train their PC muscles have nearly no risk of an enlarged prostate (which is a condition that 65% of all men have when they are of mid-old age, and has a very high potential of turning to cancer and killing you.
) It is obvious that to get better at something, you must exercise at it...
and by spending only a couple of minutes per day, you can have an incredibly strong PC muscle in a very short time, turning you into a monster in bed by improving nearly every aspect of your sexual life!
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