The assisted living industry has grown rapidly over the last 10 years. It has become a viable option for many seniors that require assistance and supervision with activities of daily living. As a result, the demand and the number of assisted living facilities continue to grow. This has created intense competition in the industry. A higher resident satisfaction result or simply meeting or exceeding past performance no longer result in the level of improvement necessary to remain competitive. Like any other industry, the assisted living industry has been impacted by the financial crisis and the increased scrutiny on operations by state regulatory entities due to the increasing acuity of assisted living residents.
Benchmarking has become an important tool for assisted living business or communities to remain competitive and also determine what actions are needed to exceed current market position. Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organization's internal processes, then identifying, understanding, and adapting outstanding practices from other organizations considered to be best-in-class. It is a continuous process of comparison, projections and implementation. If done right, benchmarking will help an assisted living company identify their strengths and weaknesses and help prioritize improvement activities.
Operational benchmarking and external benchmarking have been found to very beneficial to assisted living communities. It is important for assisted living companies to work smarter and more efficiently in their decision-making and ability to react more quickly to financial and operational changes.
Precision Management and Consulting Services(PMCS), a premier assisted living management and consulting firm strongly believe that the key metrics or focus for assisted living communities to remain competitive are the "people"-those providing the service and the recipients of the service, "leadership"-experienced and an energized managerial team, this along with a person centered focus, "innovation"- creativity and groundbreaking ideas that will reduce overheads and enhance services, "technology"- efficient and effective use of technology for community operations and services, financial monitoring and compliance, employee screening, employee training and education, and other key areas of operations.
PMCS ( provides management services, assisted living start up guide and developmental services, executive search, quality assurance and compliance services, marketing, and financial services to assisted living communities nationwide.
Benchmarking has become an important tool for assisted living business or communities to remain competitive and also determine what actions are needed to exceed current market position. Benchmarking is the process of measuring an organization's internal processes, then identifying, understanding, and adapting outstanding practices from other organizations considered to be best-in-class. It is a continuous process of comparison, projections and implementation. If done right, benchmarking will help an assisted living company identify their strengths and weaknesses and help prioritize improvement activities.
Operational benchmarking and external benchmarking have been found to very beneficial to assisted living communities. It is important for assisted living companies to work smarter and more efficiently in their decision-making and ability to react more quickly to financial and operational changes.
Precision Management and Consulting Services(PMCS), a premier assisted living management and consulting firm strongly believe that the key metrics or focus for assisted living communities to remain competitive are the "people"-those providing the service and the recipients of the service, "leadership"-experienced and an energized managerial team, this along with a person centered focus, "innovation"- creativity and groundbreaking ideas that will reduce overheads and enhance services, "technology"- efficient and effective use of technology for community operations and services, financial monitoring and compliance, employee screening, employee training and education, and other key areas of operations.
PMCS ( provides management services, assisted living start up guide and developmental services, executive search, quality assurance and compliance services, marketing, and financial services to assisted living communities nationwide.