Depression is a condition that is running rampant across this country right now and it is easy to see why.
We are in one of the worst economic states that we have ever seen and it is affecting every type of family.
With these tough times, depression in men is increasing but on the surface, you may not be able to tell because the symptoms in men are a little different than they are in women.
While women are much more open about their feeling, men will typically keep things like this inside.
Public perception is that a man is perceived to be strong so giving in and telling people that you are 'depressed' could be viewed as a sign of weakness.
Unfortunately, this will only make the situation worse as depression is very serious and must be addressed.
A common sign if depression is men is a lack of sexual desire.
As they wallow in their thoughts, they get the feelings that they are a less of a man because of their depression and as we generally perceive our sexual prowess as a testament to our manhood, they shrink away from any contact for fear that they will be inadequate.
Constant fatigue is another sign that is very common with depression in men.
Believe it or not, depression sucks the life right out of you and makes just getting through the day an achievement.
Often men who are depresses will choose to shrink away and pretty much only leave their couch or bed when they have to.
They simply do not feel like doing anything.
Overall, men do not deal with emotional problems as well as women and depression in men can quickly get out of hand if they are not careful.
There is no shame in admitting that you have a problem.
You are better off bringing them out in the open and dealing with these issues than you are letting them destroy you from the inside out.
We are in one of the worst economic states that we have ever seen and it is affecting every type of family.
With these tough times, depression in men is increasing but on the surface, you may not be able to tell because the symptoms in men are a little different than they are in women.
While women are much more open about their feeling, men will typically keep things like this inside.
Public perception is that a man is perceived to be strong so giving in and telling people that you are 'depressed' could be viewed as a sign of weakness.
Unfortunately, this will only make the situation worse as depression is very serious and must be addressed.
A common sign if depression is men is a lack of sexual desire.
As they wallow in their thoughts, they get the feelings that they are a less of a man because of their depression and as we generally perceive our sexual prowess as a testament to our manhood, they shrink away from any contact for fear that they will be inadequate.
Constant fatigue is another sign that is very common with depression in men.
Believe it or not, depression sucks the life right out of you and makes just getting through the day an achievement.
Often men who are depresses will choose to shrink away and pretty much only leave their couch or bed when they have to.
They simply do not feel like doing anything.
Overall, men do not deal with emotional problems as well as women and depression in men can quickly get out of hand if they are not careful.
There is no shame in admitting that you have a problem.
You are better off bringing them out in the open and dealing with these issues than you are letting them destroy you from the inside out.