Health & Medical Children & Kid Health

The Advantages of Sign Language For Babies

Questions like "Why should I teach my baby sign language?" are not very uncommon as its popularity grows. Many parents do not believe this form of communication is very effective. It is very hard to impress them by telling them the advantages of sign language for babies unless they actually witness a couple enjoying a session in the flesh. A study showed that most of the parents who chose to teach their babies this form of communication were actually motivated by watching someone else's baby signing. This impressed them so much they decided to teach their toddler or coming baby this ever popular technque.

There are several advantages of teaching baby sign language. These include:

Enhancing the mental development of the baby:

Teaching a baby sign language gives a boost to the mental development of the baby. This is the time when the brain is growing in size and complexity with all other organs of the body. Stimulating different parts of the brain by this healthy activity can cast long term effects on the cognitive levels of the baby. The signing babies are more intelligent and have better IQ from the early year of their lives.

Boosting the verbal power:

The signing babies start communicating their feelings and desires earlier in life. Imagine a 10 month old baby telling you that he is hungry and want a feed or he needs a change of the diaper. Not only in early toddler years but even during preschool years the signing baby develops a far better vocabulary. They are able to make long sentences and pronounce words more clearly. Moreover, a study showed that these kids are less shy and speak around 20% more words as compared to the non-signers.

Development of a better relationship with your kid:

Imagine yourself teaching your baby new things every day. The pleasure of watching your baby signing for an object cannot be explained in words. Parents who teach their babies how to sign spend more time with their babies, not only in teaching them but also in communicating with them and enjoying each other's' presence.

Decreased number of tantrums:

What would you do if everyone around you fails to understand your feelings? Yes, this will be a very horrible situation for you. When a pre verbal baby goes through this condition his frequent crying is fairly understandable. You can help your baby by teaching him how to sing. This will make him happy and the frequency of untimely tantrums will be decreased remarkably.
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