Even while thinking about the divorce, we imagine those time intensive lengthy hearing for final approval. The usual divorce process can be 5-8 months long, which will surely increase in case the decision is contested in the court of law. However when the decision of divorce is mutual between both the spouses, one can simply avoid the lengthy process under the guidance of collaborative Singapore divorce lawyer. These lawyers are trained in collaborative family process. Collaborative family practice is the latest practice in family law of Singapore.
It allows the spouses to have divorce (when there is a mutual decision to end the marital relationship or to have separation) while avoiding the time intensive and money intensive process in the court of law. However the cost of divorce process in Singapore is fairly less in comparison to other countries, but it can quite a lot if the divorce is contested or lasts 5-8 months in process.
In this type of practice, such decisions are taken which are best for the entire family and not just the individuals. In case a client has children who are likely to be affected due to the decision, Collaborative Divorce Lawyer can make it convenient for you still protecting your personal interests. The lawyer will sit both the spouse to discuss the points of the divorce. He will help in resolving confusions, doubts or any misunderstanding that might be interfering into a sound decision.
It is quite useful for the couple who wants to keep the decision of divorce or separation a confidential process. Business tycoons, politicians, celebrities and such other popular personalities go with such divorce process, since their divorces can be distorting emotionally, financially and publicly their image. You can avoid this condition as well as have divorce in a short span.
Both the spouses can have individual lawyers, in case they do not want to have a common person to resolve their matters. However, you must make sure that the lawyer is a collaborative Singapore divorce lawyer and familiar with all the concepts of this practice. With collaborative family practice, you can avoid messy divorces, which can affect your personal relationships with other members of the family like your kids.
Instead of adopting regressive actions like in contested process, the lawyer will use cooperative and respectable tone, like a mediator to resolve the issues with your spouse while advocating your interests. With the help of collaborative divorce lawyers, you can have complete piece of mind while having a legal separation from your spouse.
It allows the spouses to have divorce (when there is a mutual decision to end the marital relationship or to have separation) while avoiding the time intensive and money intensive process in the court of law. However the cost of divorce process in Singapore is fairly less in comparison to other countries, but it can quite a lot if the divorce is contested or lasts 5-8 months in process.
In this type of practice, such decisions are taken which are best for the entire family and not just the individuals. In case a client has children who are likely to be affected due to the decision, Collaborative Divorce Lawyer can make it convenient for you still protecting your personal interests. The lawyer will sit both the spouse to discuss the points of the divorce. He will help in resolving confusions, doubts or any misunderstanding that might be interfering into a sound decision.
It is quite useful for the couple who wants to keep the decision of divorce or separation a confidential process. Business tycoons, politicians, celebrities and such other popular personalities go with such divorce process, since their divorces can be distorting emotionally, financially and publicly their image. You can avoid this condition as well as have divorce in a short span.
Both the spouses can have individual lawyers, in case they do not want to have a common person to resolve their matters. However, you must make sure that the lawyer is a collaborative Singapore divorce lawyer and familiar with all the concepts of this practice. With collaborative family practice, you can avoid messy divorces, which can affect your personal relationships with other members of the family like your kids.
Instead of adopting regressive actions like in contested process, the lawyer will use cooperative and respectable tone, like a mediator to resolve the issues with your spouse while advocating your interests. With the help of collaborative divorce lawyers, you can have complete piece of mind while having a legal separation from your spouse.