Health & Medical Cancer & Oncology

Is the War on Cancer Making Any Progress?

We have come a long way with cancer and if you ask someone if progress has been made on the war with cancer many will say yes! For decades there have been changes and adjustments to cancer related issues and even though there has been a great amount of progress made many feel we have a long way to go with plenty of ground yet to march on.
Many people have died from cancer but at the same time we are seeing more survivors and more people living longer after diagnose.
Treatment program options have changed and are being updated to provide the most effect treatment for cancer patients but research and clinical trials are things that still take time and patience to us understand the effects of cancer.
Over the years new forms of cancer have been detected and diagnosed along with research and treatment options.
The cancer war has involved many steps that have been studied, tried, treated, adjusted, and repeated over again and though we have reached milestones we can't say that we have won just yet but with time we seem to be getting closer.
We are making progress but at the same time it's a win lose complicated battle.
So what is considered progress and to what degree? Depending on the type of cancer the concerns will vary but over the years cancer awareness has greatly increased with the public getting more involved in fundraising efforts, forums, and more.
Funding for cancer research and treatment has gone through the roof and there are so many resources that are available to help get educated on cancer such as books, videos, and etc.
Even cancer survivors are primal resources and a form of support to those who are newly diagnosed.
Treatment options are adjusted and refreshed as needed to help those suffering but over the last several years becoming aware of cancer has help people decrease their risk by taking advantage of preventive measures such as screenings, healthy eating, and exercising.
Studies from researchers have shown that prevention is a big key in lowering cancer risks.
Progress has been made because more people have taken an interest in cancer issues including community advocates and those going to school to become a specialist or doctor.
Just because progress has been made doesn't mean we won't win the battle but it will take time, patience, and hard work with persistence.
We have to continue building on the progress that has been made in order to come out on top.
Where progress has been made we look at what else can be done to make things even better and this can include ways to expand research, how to get the best out of treatment options, and applying current experiences to enrich ideas and concepts.
Even though a lot has happened since the National Cancer Act of 1971 some feel that enough isn't being done and that politicians and government officials can do more toward the war on cancer.
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