According to the National Institutes of Health, 1.5 million people aged above fifty years old and depression is interlinked immensely. However, remind yourself that depression in later years can be overcome. Elderly people can get help to manage their fears, thus living a more stabilized life. In addition to the mind being affected by depression, it also manifests itself in physical and spirit. Although families and doctors can take steps to reduce or eliminate the depression, it will also come back on the individual, who needs to determine that he or she will overcome it.
Some of the individuals above fifty years old and depression is intertwined because of these facts. It is important that the elderly person's needs be met. Often, the depression can be managed with self-help activities. With energy and concentration being taken away from the person with depression, it is usually difficult for them to figure out how to help themselves. Therefore, instead of seeing the person as self-centered, understand you are probably looking at a case of geriatric depression. Start by spending time, showing the individual how he or she can get dressed alone, feed him or herself, and do simple tasks to gain back some level of independence.
There is also the area of physical and biological needs. For instance, depression in the elderly often shows as stomachaches, headaches, diarrhea, or constipation. As long as the individual has been examined by a doctor and nothing has been found wrong, you can begin to change the diet to something healthier, work with the person to get some type of exercise, or simply take that individual out for a walk, even if in a wheelchair. The goal is to enhance the person's mental health by meeting physical needs.
All people over fifty years old and depression can be and should be treated primarily to prevent suicide and improve the quality of life. Of course, safety is always a number one concern when dealing with depression. Many times, a depressed person is so self-absorbed, he or she is not paying close attention to the environment and potential hazards. Therefore, make sure the person has a walker or wheelchair if needed, that he or she has proper help with getting up or walking, and that the area is clear of clutter that could cause an accidental fall.
Many times depression and isolation can be lessened when pleasurable memories are revived by telling stories. Many times depression can be lessened when reflections of faith are allowed expression. Both of these approaches are useful because it brings to the persons thoughts that they are a vital member of the family. They know that they hold much wisdom that needs passed on to members of their family. They also know that impartation of faith values may need exploration, and if allowed, they hold this wisdom. When these expressions are allowed, the person's life reflects a positive validation and depression may subside or at least decrease.
The effective impartation of wisdom and faith by an elderly person is of great value to family and friends as each, it their own respective right, complete their life cycles.
Some of the individuals above fifty years old and depression is intertwined because of these facts. It is important that the elderly person's needs be met. Often, the depression can be managed with self-help activities. With energy and concentration being taken away from the person with depression, it is usually difficult for them to figure out how to help themselves. Therefore, instead of seeing the person as self-centered, understand you are probably looking at a case of geriatric depression. Start by spending time, showing the individual how he or she can get dressed alone, feed him or herself, and do simple tasks to gain back some level of independence.
There is also the area of physical and biological needs. For instance, depression in the elderly often shows as stomachaches, headaches, diarrhea, or constipation. As long as the individual has been examined by a doctor and nothing has been found wrong, you can begin to change the diet to something healthier, work with the person to get some type of exercise, or simply take that individual out for a walk, even if in a wheelchair. The goal is to enhance the person's mental health by meeting physical needs.
All people over fifty years old and depression can be and should be treated primarily to prevent suicide and improve the quality of life. Of course, safety is always a number one concern when dealing with depression. Many times, a depressed person is so self-absorbed, he or she is not paying close attention to the environment and potential hazards. Therefore, make sure the person has a walker or wheelchair if needed, that he or she has proper help with getting up or walking, and that the area is clear of clutter that could cause an accidental fall.
Many times depression and isolation can be lessened when pleasurable memories are revived by telling stories. Many times depression can be lessened when reflections of faith are allowed expression. Both of these approaches are useful because it brings to the persons thoughts that they are a vital member of the family. They know that they hold much wisdom that needs passed on to members of their family. They also know that impartation of faith values may need exploration, and if allowed, they hold this wisdom. When these expressions are allowed, the person's life reflects a positive validation and depression may subside or at least decrease.
The effective impartation of wisdom and faith by an elderly person is of great value to family and friends as each, it their own respective right, complete their life cycles.