- Between the stomach and esophagus is a sphincter that opens to allow food to pass to the stomach. When this sphincter is weak, it can open also allowing the stomach contents to move back in to the esophagus.
- Acid reflux can cause a burning feeling in the chest, esophagus and throat. Some people will regurgitate and have a bitter taste in the back of their mouth.
- Acid reflux is painful because the acid of the stomach causes a burning sensation as it enters the esophagus. Over time, this can cause the esophagus to become irritated and inflamed, which causes more pain when acid reflux strikes.
- Pharmacies have a number of over-the-counter remedies to treat acid reflux. If these medications do not help, a doctor can prescribe a medication with higher dosages to help the problem.
- After the esophagus has become irritated and inflamed, it can take several weeks to heal. Acid production needs to be controlled during this time with acid reducers and blockers to allow healing time.