The biggest Spanish sportsman, Miguel Indurain, entered the world of cycling like a storm in the 90s, winning a record five consecutive wins in the Tour de France. I will make a brief presentation of the cyclist's career from the beginning until you reached a cycling legend.
Born in Villava (Navarre) in 1964, Spanish athletes sensation with his victory in the most famous bicycle race, Tour de France. Between 1991 and 1995 Indurain was the king of this award, becoming the first man who won the Tour five times in succession.
Indurain passed to professionalism in 1985 where he competed 11 years in a row. Although not able to complete the race in 1985 and 1986, managed to make known as a basic member of the Banesto team and played an important role in the 1988 race when, with his help, Pedro Delgado won the TDF. Many said they could Indurain in 1990 to rank in the top (finished 10 in the overall standings), but he preferred to obey team orders and moved Captain Delgado.
Finally, in 1991, Banesto has built a team around him and he began Indurain domination. In the following years it became commonplace to see the yellow jersey on his shoulders with Indurain.
The strength was individually contretemps, the high stature of the bike and bringing him the nickname "Big Mig". In 1992 he won a contretemps in Luxembourg with monstrous difference of three minutes over the second candidate. This type of Indurain's race gave him the advantage. Where mountains were Spanish cyclist went on the defensive, relying on his strong team, to annihilate any attempt to escape competition. Critics have said that Indurain's style was "boring" but fans of the sport remember Indurain and Greg Lemond Titans fight in 1991 or extraordinary meetings in the mountains with Marco Pantani.
As mentioned above, Indurain was the ultimate athlete. Resting heart rate was 28 beats per minute, less than half the number of heart beats a healthy person the same age. Doctors were amazed that Indurain had heart by 50% higher than a normal person and his lungs could store an impressive amount of air, 8 liters.
Psyche and he had an important role. Many rivals have argued that there was something "inhuman" in Indurain.
Indurain won many other races. He won the Giro d'Italia twice, in 1992 and 1993 (won Tour de France in those years). Time record set in 1994 covering a distance of 53 km and 10 meters in 60 minutes. At the Atlanta Olympics he won a gold medal for his country at the individual contretemps.
Respected colleagues, Indurain was a humble person and a true gentleman. Not ever give critics of the tests compared to other young cyclists in the past or wickedness that occurred in the press of those years. English cyclist Chris Boardman said at one point: "Indurain annoys me because a guy is so cute. When you sit next to him remarks that have no touch of malice. Is indeed an extraordinary man and a great champion. "
After withdrawal Indurain tried to be a doer of world cycling. He is a member of the UCI Professional Cycling Council and a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee.
Remembering Indurain's victory will remain in the hearts of the Spaniards but of all lovers of cycling forever.
Born in Villava (Navarre) in 1964, Spanish athletes sensation with his victory in the most famous bicycle race, Tour de France. Between 1991 and 1995 Indurain was the king of this award, becoming the first man who won the Tour five times in succession.
Indurain passed to professionalism in 1985 where he competed 11 years in a row. Although not able to complete the race in 1985 and 1986, managed to make known as a basic member of the Banesto team and played an important role in the 1988 race when, with his help, Pedro Delgado won the TDF. Many said they could Indurain in 1990 to rank in the top (finished 10 in the overall standings), but he preferred to obey team orders and moved Captain Delgado.
Finally, in 1991, Banesto has built a team around him and he began Indurain domination. In the following years it became commonplace to see the yellow jersey on his shoulders with Indurain.
The strength was individually contretemps, the high stature of the bike and bringing him the nickname "Big Mig". In 1992 he won a contretemps in Luxembourg with monstrous difference of three minutes over the second candidate. This type of Indurain's race gave him the advantage. Where mountains were Spanish cyclist went on the defensive, relying on his strong team, to annihilate any attempt to escape competition. Critics have said that Indurain's style was "boring" but fans of the sport remember Indurain and Greg Lemond Titans fight in 1991 or extraordinary meetings in the mountains with Marco Pantani.
As mentioned above, Indurain was the ultimate athlete. Resting heart rate was 28 beats per minute, less than half the number of heart beats a healthy person the same age. Doctors were amazed that Indurain had heart by 50% higher than a normal person and his lungs could store an impressive amount of air, 8 liters.
Psyche and he had an important role. Many rivals have argued that there was something "inhuman" in Indurain.
Indurain won many other races. He won the Giro d'Italia twice, in 1992 and 1993 (won Tour de France in those years). Time record set in 1994 covering a distance of 53 km and 10 meters in 60 minutes. At the Atlanta Olympics he won a gold medal for his country at the individual contretemps.
Respected colleagues, Indurain was a humble person and a true gentleman. Not ever give critics of the tests compared to other young cyclists in the past or wickedness that occurred in the press of those years. English cyclist Chris Boardman said at one point: "Indurain annoys me because a guy is so cute. When you sit next to him remarks that have no touch of malice. Is indeed an extraordinary man and a great champion. "
After withdrawal Indurain tried to be a doer of world cycling. He is a member of the UCI Professional Cycling Council and a member of the Spanish Olympic Committee.
Remembering Indurain's victory will remain in the hearts of the Spaniards but of all lovers of cycling forever.