Business & Finance mortgage

How to Pay Your Mortgage Late

    • 1). Pay your mortgage as soon as you possibly can, even if it's after the due date. According to Lending Tree, mortgage payments are usually due on the first day of the month. Any mortgage payment paid after that date is considered late. Check with your lender to find out what grace period, if any, applies to your mortgage loan.

    • 2). Provide a payment to the lending company within the grace period to avoid penalties, even though the payment will be considered late. If you make a payment within the 15-day grace period, you can avoid a late fee or a negative mark on your credit report. After 15 days, you will be charged a late fee.

    • 3). Make every effort to submit your mortgage payment before it is 30 days late. If a payment is not made by the 30th of the month, the credit bureaus will receive notice of a late mortgage payment. Your payment must be received by the lender no later than the last business day of the month to avoid such action by the lender.

    • 4). Pay the loan using an automatic payment option either over the phone or online to receive an instant receipt of payment. If you plan to mail your payment, send it via overnight delivery or certified mail so that you have a receipt showing the date your payment was submitted.

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