- Layers of the skin.
Micro Laser Skin Resurfacing can improve the following conditions:
Fine wrinkles
Crows feet or lipstick lines
Brown spots
Hyper pigmentation
Scars from acne or chicken pox
Sun-damaged skin
Precancerous skin spots
Blotchy skin
The most common area for laser resurfacing is the face and neck, but the feet, hands and chest are also popular. When doing your research about this procedure, you should be informed about the different types of lasers that can be used. Some are ablative and literally burn the top layers of your skin off. These ablative lasers are usually under the name of CO2 or Er:YAG and will usually only require you to undergo one treatment. There are also gentler, non-ablative lasers, which stimulate the skin to create new collagen. You will under go six to seven treatments, each six weeks apart. Another type of laser is a fractionated laser, called the Fraxel, which is used on just a small area of the face. - The length of treatment you will undergo will depend on the size of the area you are having done. The doctor will put on a topical anesthetic and gently move the laser wand over the area to be treated. As the laser penetrates the skin, it removes the outer layer, revealing layers that are less affected by wrinkles, splotches and scars. You may feel little snapping sensations during the procedure, but it is a relatively mild pain.
Expect to recover at home for a couple of days. You may have some swelling and a little bit of pain. Ice packs can alleviate some of the pain. There will be some redness and peeling of the skin. - Wear sunscreen to protect your skin.
You can expect smoother, brighter skin after your treatment. The texture of your skin will be improved. You will definitely notice a change in blotchy spots or scars. Remember to wear sunscreen and avoid the sun after your treatment.
Who Can Benefit