USING YOUR ELBOWS One of the most devastating close-range tools in our street fighting arsenal is the elbow strike.
Elbow strikes are commonly associated with Thai Boxing.
In the martial arts tradition of Muay Thai, the use of the elbows as weapons has been scrutinized and perfected over the centuries.
Many other traditional martial arts incorporate elbow strikes, and the destructive effect of proper elbow blows is certainly acknowledged by modern practitioners of Reality Based Self Defense.
In combat sports like MMA and Kickboxing, the danger of elbow strikes is regarded with care, and the use of elbows is regulated - sometimes even outlawed.
Actually, there are several variations of elbow strikes, and different areas that can be targeted.
It is important that we learn which type of elbow strike is best applied to a specific target area.
MOUTH/NOSE: best targeted with a front elbow strike (an upward elbow that resembles an uppercut done with a bent arm).
EYE/TEMPLE: targeted with a diagonal(almost horizontal)elbow strike.
This is a tight, smooth, motion that looks kind of like you are punching yourself in the opposite shoulder.
This blow often results in cuts over the eye, or even a knockout.
CHIN/JAW: targeted using a back-tip strike (a short poke that travels straight up and into the bottom of your opponents chin or jaw).
FOREHEAD: this target can also be attacked with a front-tip strike.
NOSE: a different strike from #1, when you are slightly to the side of your opponent, you can strike with the back tip of your arm.
NOTE: In all elbow strikes, the aim is to contact the target with your bone.
Elbow strikes are best practiced on a heavy bag.
It's also helpful to incorporate elbows into combination drills when training with focus mitts.
As with all street fighting techniques, I recommend that you seek out experienced instructors who can train you in the proper use of elbow strikes, and their practical application in self defense.
Elbow strikes are commonly associated with Thai Boxing.
In the martial arts tradition of Muay Thai, the use of the elbows as weapons has been scrutinized and perfected over the centuries.
Many other traditional martial arts incorporate elbow strikes, and the destructive effect of proper elbow blows is certainly acknowledged by modern practitioners of Reality Based Self Defense.
In combat sports like MMA and Kickboxing, the danger of elbow strikes is regarded with care, and the use of elbows is regulated - sometimes even outlawed.
Actually, there are several variations of elbow strikes, and different areas that can be targeted.
It is important that we learn which type of elbow strike is best applied to a specific target area.
MOUTH/NOSE: best targeted with a front elbow strike (an upward elbow that resembles an uppercut done with a bent arm).
EYE/TEMPLE: targeted with a diagonal(almost horizontal)elbow strike.
This is a tight, smooth, motion that looks kind of like you are punching yourself in the opposite shoulder.
This blow often results in cuts over the eye, or even a knockout.
CHIN/JAW: targeted using a back-tip strike (a short poke that travels straight up and into the bottom of your opponents chin or jaw).
FOREHEAD: this target can also be attacked with a front-tip strike.
NOSE: a different strike from #1, when you are slightly to the side of your opponent, you can strike with the back tip of your arm.
NOTE: In all elbow strikes, the aim is to contact the target with your bone.
Elbow strikes are best practiced on a heavy bag.
It's also helpful to incorporate elbows into combination drills when training with focus mitts.
As with all street fighting techniques, I recommend that you seek out experienced instructors who can train you in the proper use of elbow strikes, and their practical application in self defense.